Warning – S&S Cycle Engine Shipping Crate Box Assembly 50-9581 User Manual

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engine shipping crates are designed to provide a safe,

secure method for packing and shipping S&S engines. S&S Cycle
assumes no liability for damages incurred during shipping to or
from S&S, however, and strongly recommends that contents be
insured for an appropriate amount. Should damage occur, the
carrier must be notified immediately.

Assembly of an engine shipping crate is simple and
straightforward as explained in the following instructions. Prior
to assembly, parts should be identified according to the Bill of
Materials. It will be helpful to read the following instructions
before proceeding with assembly.

Due to heavy weight of assembled engine, care must be
taken to avoid back or other injury while placing engine in
crate or when moving crate. S&S recommends that a hoist be
used if possible.

Tools Required

Ratchet and 9/16” socket, 9/16” open end wrench, and portable
drill with 3/8” bit are required for assembly.



Identify all parts and hardware according to Bill of Materials.

NOTE - 2 x 4 x 20” board #50-9889 is attached to inside of crate.


Attach metal motor mount #50-9884 to bottom of crankcase
rear motor mount with 3/8 x 3” bolts #50-0002, 3/8” washers
#93-4004 and 3/8” nuts #50-5035.


Attach metal top bracket #50-9890 to cylinder heads with 3/8
x 1-1/4” bolts # 93-4006 and 3/8” washers #93-4004.


Assemble wooden platform as follows:

a. Rear motor mount. Install 5/8” washer #50-7030 on

each 3/8 x 8” carriage bolt #50-0001 and pass bolts
through holes closest to side of 1/2 x 24 x 24” plywood
base #50-9881. Slide 2 x 6 x 6” wooden block #50-9883
over carriage bolts.

NOTE- Holes in blocks #50-9882 and #50-9883 are drilled off-
center. Install blocks so sides closest to holes face center of box.
See illustration 1.


Front motor mount. Install 5/8” washer #50-7030
on each 3/8 x 6” carriage bolt #50-0000 and pass
bolts through remaining holes in plywood base.
Slide 2 x 4-1/4 x 6” wooden block #50-9882 over
bolts. See note above regarding block placement.


Place plastic bag #50-9103 closed end down over
carriage bolts and front and rear motor mounts on
wooden platform.


Using a hoist or other means to avoid personal injury,
place engine on platform, guiding holes in steel plate
#50-9884 over 8” bolts, and holes in front crankcase
motor mount over 6” bolts. Place 3/8” washer #93-4004
over end of each bolt, followed by 3/8” nut #50-5035.
Tighten all nuts securely.

Lifting heavy objects can cause permanent, disabling personal
injury. S&S recommends using a hoist or other suitable means
to lift and move engine and assembled crate.

7. Fold cardboard liners and place in box, one on each side

of engine.


Fit 2 x 4 x 20” board #50-9889 across engine and into notches
in liner. From below, insert pencil through hole in steel
bracket and mark board.


Remove board #50-9889 from crate, drill 3/8” hole through
mark and replace board in crate.

10. Insert 3/8 x 3” bolt through holes in board #50-9889 and

bracket #50-9890, install remaining 3/8” washer and nut, and
tighten securely.

11. Close plastic bag around engine and seal.

12. Attach ends of board #50-9889 securely to cardboard crate.

S&S uses a power stapler with heavy duty 3/4” staples. Heavy
screws or lag bolts with washers to prevent bolt heads from
pulling through cardboard are acceptable alternative.

13. Close top of cardboard box and secure with construction

staples or heavy packing tape.




Plywood Base


Rear Motor Mount


Front Motor Mount


Insert 8” carriage

bolts here

Insert 6” carriage

bolts here

Illustration 1