S&S Cycle Sidewinder 3 5/8 Big Bore Cylinders for 1936–1999 Big Twins User Manual
Page 23

• Gearing depends on total weight of machine and rider(s), size of engine, caming, exhaust system and type of riding to be done. Most Sidewinders
are capable of pulling more gear. We suggest you break engine in with stock gearing to minimize lugging engine. After engine is broken in you will
have a better feel of its potential and can change gearing accordingly.
• For those who wish to determine their final drive gear ratio the formula is as follows:
Break-In Procedure
NOTE: These engines must be broken in. They will feel extremely strong so resist the impulse to turn it on. Break it in properly.
Lugging or running engine prematurely at high rpms may result in damage to pistons and/or other engine components. S&S voids its
guarantee if engine is not broken in properly.
Break engine in using following procedure:
A. On initial engine startup, don’t just sit and idle motor while you admire your work, or tinker with minor adjustments. Heat buildup can be
excessive. Do not let engine overheat.
Proper first time engine start-up and break-in for first 15 minutes is critical to achieve permanent and lasting head gasket seal. Upon initial start-up, idle
engine at 1000–1500 rpm until cylinder head temperature reaches about 250°. Do not crack throttle or put any load on engine during this time. Heat
buildup is necessary to cause heads and cylinders to expand and seal. Do not let heat get excessive.
Improper initial engine start-up may cause head gaskets to fail prematurely.
B. First 50 miles are most critical for new rings and piston break-in. Most engine damage will initially occur during this period. Keep heat
down by not exceeding 2500 rpm. Vary speed. Do not lug engine.
C. Next 500 miles should be spent running engine no faster than 3500 rpm or about 50-55 mph. Do not lug engine and continue to vary
D. For balance of first 1000 miles, speed can be run up to 60 to 70. Continue to run engine at all different speeds including lower 40-45 mph
E. 1000 to 2000 miles—basically same procedures as before. You can be a little more liberal with rpm range. Avoid overheating engine and
putting any hard strain on it (drag racing, trailer towing, sidecar operation).
F. 2000 miles and up—have fun!
Engine Revolutions per one Revolution of Rear Wheel=
(Clutch Sprocket*) x (Rear Wheel Sprocket*)
(Motor Sprocket*) x (Transmission Sprocket*)
*Number of teeth on each sprocket