S&S Cycle Rocker Arm Rebuild Kit for 1984-Up Big Twin and 1986-up Harley-Davidson Sportster Models User Manual

Page 3

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b. Finish machine to .5546"-.5559" per the

honing/reaming notes at the beginning of
these instructions.


Wash rocker arms clean of all machining

B. Remove and install retaining clips, pin, and roller.

NOTE: Pin is a press fit in rocker arm.

1. Pin and roller disassembly.


Remove outer retaining clip by grinding end
of pin flush to the retaining ring.

NOTE: Use care not to nick rocker arm with grinding
wheel. A nick could cause a stress riser leading to rocker
arm failure.

b. Press old pin from rocker to remove roller.

2. Pin and roller assembly

a. Position new roller in fork of rocker.

b. Press new pin into place using arbor press or

bench vise. See Picture 3.

c. Press retaining clip over end of pin and into

grooves. A small socket will work as an
installation tool. One side of clip has a
slightly rounded inside edge. Locate the
rounded edge facing down towards pin.
Align components carefully in vise jaws
before pressing retaining clip squarely onto
end of pin. See Picture 4.

NOTE: Clips are very brittle. Do not force clip over pin, or
press on at an angle. Do not use a clip damaged in the
installation process.

d. Roller should move freely on pin after clips

are installed.

NOTE: Apply assembly lube to bushings, pins, and rollers
before installing rockers.


Picture 3

Picture 4