Calibration frequency, Calibration, lel, and h, S, detectors – RKI Instruments 65-2484RK-06 User Manual
Page 23

65-2484RK-06 Multi Point Detector • 19
Connect the detector leads to the terminal block the same way the old detector was
wired. See the controller operator’s manual and the controller’s detector head
specification sheet for the multi-point detector to verify the connections are correct.
Also see Figure 6 for a wiring diagram.
Reinstall the junction box cover.
Turn on or plug in power to the controller.
10. Turn on the controller.
Allow the replacement detector to warm up for 5 minutes before you continue with
the next step.
11. Calibrate the replacement detector as described in “Calibration, SO
Detector” on
page 23.
Calibration Frequency
Although there is no particular calibration frequency that is correct for all applications, a
calibration frequency of every 3 months is adequate for most multi-point detector
applications. Unless experience in a particular application dictates otherwise, RKI
Instruments, Inc. recommends a calibration frequency of every 3 months for the multi
point detector.
If an application is not very demanding, for example detection in a clean, temperature
controlled environment, and calibration adjustments are minimal at calibration, then a
calibration frequency of every 6 months is adequate.
If an application is very demanding, for example if the environment is not well controlled,
then more frequent calibration than every 3 months may be necessary.
Calibration, LEL, and H
S, Detectors
This section describes how to calibrate the LEL and H
S detectors on the multi-point
detector. It includes procedures to prepare for calibration, set the zero reading, set the
response reading, and return to normal operation. It describes calibration using a
calibration kit that includes an 81-1117RK calibration cup, calibration gas, sample tubing,
and a fixed flow regulator with an on/off knob. RKI Instruments, Inc. recommends using
a 0.5 LPM (liters per minute) fixed flow regulator. To properly calibrate the multi-point
detector, you must calibrate each connected detector. Perform the following procedure for
each connected LEL or H
S detector.
WARNING: The controller is not an active gas monitoring device during the calibration
Preparing for Calibration
WARNING: Do not remove the junction box cover or detector housing cap while the
circuits are energized unless the area is determined to be non-hazardous.
Keep the junction box cover and detector housing cap tightly closed during