RKI Instruments GX-2003 User Manual
Gx-2003 calibration station user guide, Ca b d, Bump test calibra tion da ta transfer turn on

GX-2003 Calibration Station User Guide
RKI Instruments, Inc.
33248 Central Ave. Union City, CA 94587
Phone (800) 754-5165
(510) 441-5656
Fax (510) 441-5650
Turn Instrument On
Press and hold the power button on the
instrument to turn on. Instrument will warm
up and display will indicate PC TRANSMIT,
STAND BY OK, and current date.
Calibration Pass
Once the calibration passes, CAL LED light
will turn green. The CAL button LED light
will also turn green.
Calibration Fail
If the calibrations fails, The CAL LED light
and CAL BUMP button LED light will turn
red. Download the data (see data transfer
step) and view on computer to determine
which sensor failed. Replace sensor and
Instrument Connected
Connect black coil tube to inlet fitting. Place
GX-2003 into cal station. Connect green tube to
instrument exhaust port.
Blinking red charge light means charging, green
means charge is complete.
Bump Test Process
You will be ready to proceed with the
bump test when CAL LED light is steady
orange. Press and hold “BUMP” button
until Bump LED flashes. Allow instrument
to go through bump test process. CAL
LED will flash yellow. Pump will turn on to
begin bump test.
Bump Results
The CAL LED light and BUMP button LED
will stop blinking and be on steady green if
the bump test passed or steady red if the
bump test failed.
% Vol. Bump Test
Remove the 4 gas cylinder and replace with
100% Vol. Methane cylinder. Press and hold
“VOL”. button on the cal station until green Vol.
light comes on and then press “BUMP” button.
The CAL LED light and bump button LED will
stop blinking and be on steady green if the
bump test passed or steady red if the bump
test failed.
Turning GX-2003 off
Simultaneously press and hold the BUMP and
VOL buttons on the calibration station. Once
the GX-2003 powers down, the instrument can
be removed. For continued charging, leave the
GX-2003 in the SM-2003U. Blinking red means
charging, green means charge is complete.
Power down the calibration station using toggle
power switch on back.
Warning: Do not remove the GX-2003 before
turning it off, and do not use the GX-2003’s
power button to power it down.
Power Instrument on. After CAL LED light
is steady orange, press the “CAL” button to
start calibration.
Turning GX-2003 Off
Simultaneously press and hold the BUMP and VOL buttons
on the calibration station. Once the GX-2003 powers down,
the instrument can be removed. For continued charging,
leave the GX-2003 in the SM-2003U. Blinking red means
charging, green means charge is complete. Power down
the calibration station using toggle power switch on back.
Warning: Do not remove the GX-2003 before turning
it off, and do not use the GX-2003’s power button to
power it down.
Turn Calibration Station On
Attach power cord to back of cal station. Press the
power button at the back of the cal station to the
on position.
Calibration Process
During calibration, the CAL button LED light
will flash green. Typical calibration will take
approximately 3 minutes. Light will blink
green during process.
Data Transfer To USB Flash Drive
With USB flash drive installed and unit powered on, press and
release the “COPY” button. The copy LED will become solid red
while the records in the calibration station’s memory are copied to
the flash drive. In addition, the flash drive’s LED will begin to blink.
When the LED stops blinking and turns green, the copy operation
is complete. Remove the flash drive from the USB port. Transfer
data to PC with calibration station software, following the instruc-
tions in the operator’s manual.
To clear the SM-2003U memory, press and hold “CAL” and
“COPY” button simultaneously. It is recommended to clear the
memory after data is transferred.
Note: If mode switch is set to calibrate if bump test fails, unit will automatically proceed with
calibration. See manual for mode switch settings.
Setup: Connect in-line filter to air inlet. Attached demand flow regulator to calibration gas cylinder PN 81-0154RK. Connect 3” tubing from regulator
to calibration gas inlet on SM-2003U. Connect exhaust tubing to exhaust port and route to fresh air area.