RKI Instruments SDM-2012 User Manual

Sdm-2012 calibration station operation, Ca b d e, Bump test calibra tion da ta transfer turn on

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SDM-2012 Calibration Station Operation

RKI Instruments, Inc.

33248 Central Ave. Union City, CA 94587

Phone (800) 754-5165

(510) 441-5656

Fax (510) 441-5650

Calibration Results

The CAL LED will stop blinking and become steady

green if the calibration passed or steady red if the

calibration failed. The display will alternate between

the gas readings and the calibration results for each

sensor (“P” for pass or “F” for fail).

If you have a

% volume sensor installed, press and release the

EDIT ENTER button to scroll between both sets of


Instrument Connected


Connect hoses to GX-2012. Then press and

hold the POWER ENTER button on the GX-2012

until you hear a beep, then release it.

The GX-2012 will begin its power up sequence. If a

successful connection between the instrument and

the SDM-2012 occurs, the home screen will appear

displaying “TRANSMIT” and the auto cal values

on the instrument display at the end of the startup


Bump Test

Press and hold the BUMP button until the

BUMP LED turns on then release it.

Note: Ensure appropriate calibration gas cylinder

is connected to a demand flow regulator and

then to the correct port (Gas 1 or Gas 2) on the

back of the cal station. Make sure calibration

gas concentrations match values shown on


Standard 4 Sensors

Bump Gas Reading

The station will bump test the standard 4 sen-

sors. During the bump test, the display shows

current gas reading and the bump

LED will flash amber.

% Volume Sensor

Bump Gas Reading

If a % volume sensor is installed, the station

will bump test it using Gas 2 calibration gas.

Bump Results

The BUMP LED will stop blinking and become

steady green if the bump test passed or steady

red if the bump test failed. Display will alternate

between the gas readings and the bump test

results for each sensor (“P” for pass or “F” for


If you have a % volume sensor installed,

press and release the EDIT ENTER button to

scroll between both sets of results.

Return to Home Screen

Press and hold the “EDIT/ENTER” button

until the home screen appears. See step

“E” below for turning off instrument after

completion of bump test.


Press and hold the CAL button until the CAL LED

turns on then release it.

Note: Ensure appropriate calibration gas cylinder is

connected to a demand flow regulator and then to the

correct port (Gas 1 or Gas 2) on the back of the cal

station. Make sure calibration gas concentrations

match values shown on display.

Removing from SDM-2012

After a successful bump test or calibration, the

GX-2012 will automatically turn off within 15 seconds.

If the calibration failed, the instrument will shut off after

10 minutes.

To turn off manually, press the SDM-2012 “Power”

and “Edit Enter” buttons simultaneously for about

one second and then release them.

Warning: Do not remove the GX-2012 before turn-

ing it off, and do not use the GX-2012’s power

button to power it down.

Turn Cal Station On


Press and hold the SDM-2012’s POWER button.

The LEDs will turn amber. When the BUMP and

CAL LEDs turn off, release the POWER button.

Seat a GX-2012 in the instrument cradle.

The front

recess is for versions with a Li-ion battery pack. The

back recess is for instruments that have an alkaline

battery pack. Flip the plastic flap over if it is covering

the recess you need to use.

Standard 4 Sensors

Calibration Gas Readings

The station will calibrate the standard 4 sensors.

During calibration, the display shows current gas

readings. Typical calibration will take 3 minutes.

% Volume Sensor

Calibration Gas Readings

If a % volume sensor is installed, the station will

calibrate it using Gas 2 calibration gas.





















Data Transfer To USB Flash Drive

With USB flash drive installed and unit powered on,

press and hold the COPY button until the COPY LED

turns red, then release it.

The COPY LED will become

solid red while the records in the calibration station’s

memory are copied to the flash drive. In addition, if the

flash drive has an LED, it will begin to blink.

When the COPY LED returns to its original color and

begins blinking again and the flash drive’s LED (if it

has one) stops blinking, the copy operation is com-

plete. Remove the flash drive from the USB port.

Transfer data to PC with Single Module Data Viewer

software, following the instructions in the operator’s
