Practical Instrument Electronics 510B User Manual

Practical instrument electronics, Product description, Operating instructions

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Practical Instrument Electronics

82 East main Street Suite 3.14 • Webster, NY 14580 Tel: 585.872.9350 • Fax: 585.872.2638 • [email protected] •

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Product Description

• Easy to use

With the PIECAL 510B/511B you can check & calibrate all your RTD instruments. Automatic

indication of connections on the display for simple hookups. Choose a single RTD type for the

Model 510B or simulate 10 RTD types with the Model 511B.

• Take it into the shop, plant or field

Carry it without worry - protect it with an optional rubber boot and rugged, low profile switches.

Easy to operate even in the dark areas of the plant with the backlit display.

• Calibrate directly in temperature (°C & °F)

Stop carrying around a decade box and RTD resistance tables. The PIECAL 510B/511B works

with the RTDs you use including Platinum 100 (alpha = 3850, 3902, 3926) & 1000 (alpha =

3850, 3750) Ohm, Copper 10 & 50 Ohm, Nickel 100 and 120 Ohm. Easily set any value quickly

to within 0.1° with the adjustable digital potentiometer “

DIAL” plus store any three temperatures

for instant recall with the EZ-CHECK™ switch.

• Compatible with all process instruments

Connect directly to the RTD inputs of smart transmitters, PLCs, DCS and multichannel recorders

and verify their outputs or displays. Works with older instruments with fixed excitation currents

and newer multichannel instruments that switch the excitation current between input channels.

PIECAL 510B/511B

RTD Simulator

Operating Instructions

PIECAL 510B/511B

RTD Simulator

Operating Instructions

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved • 510B/511B-9002 - Rev D 13 July 2011

(Shown without optional boot)

(Shown with optional boot)

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