Settings – Penpower WorldocScan 410 (Win) User Manual
Page 37

WorldocScan X
Calibrate Scanner
Click [Calibrate Scanner] to calibrate the WorldocScan
410 scanner. For WorldocScan Pro scanner, insert the cali-
bration sheet and the calibration will start automatically.
User Settings
Click [User Settings] to change preferences of [Browse
settings] and [Recognition languages settings].
Change Storage Path
Change the file storage path of WorldocScan X.
Cloud Storage Settings
Select the cloud storages you want to use.
User settings
Recognition languages settings
WorldocScan X provides around 190 recognition languages. You can pick the lan-
guages you will frequently use from the [All recognition languages] column to [Select
recognition languages] column. The settings here will apply to the language menu in the
settings of the Convert to PDF, Word, and Excel.
Include the content of word� excel documents while searching:
Select this option to include the content of word/ excel documents while searching.