Behringer Pro Mixer DX1000 User Manual

Page 14

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This is the first time we have come across any really BIG buttons on the DX1000. At this point
it’s worth pointing out that all the smaller switches on your DX1000 are latching. This means
they stay down until you hit them again. Big buttons are all non-latching, or momentary in
operation. This means that they are only active when your finger (or other appendage) is
actually holding them down, like the keys on a MIDI keyboard. These are ideal for executing
transformations, as you will very quickly find as you get into using your DX1000.


Try running a rhythm track through X (crossfader fully to the left). Now use the Y button in
PUNCH transform mode to manually chop in a sustained signal like orchestral music, ambient
sounds, noise, whatever.


As well as using the X - Y crossfader to select / fade between X and Y you can also use it to
blend X and Y together, by simply leaving it somewhere in the middle. Now you can use the
big buttons in CUT mode to chop between X and Y for more creative music gating effects.


You can send more than one channel to either X, Y or both. In practice you will usually only
send one at a time, but if you are layering tracks you might want to send more. Also you can
crossfader between channels assigned to the same side of the crossfader using the 100 mm
channel faders.

6.3 Main/tape outputs

Level to the main outputs (Max. output +28 dBu balanced, +22 dBu unbalanced) is ultimately governed by a
pair of precision 60 mm main faders

. This level is continuously monitored by the pair of highly accurate

tri-colored bargraph meters

sited immediately above the output faders. The main outputs constitute a

blend of X, Y and the two mic channels, all covered previously in the manual, plus the stereo effects return. The
main output also feeds the tape outputs on the back of the console.


The tape outputs on the top of the console are taken directly from the output of the crossfader.
This mix does not include the mic channels 1 and 2.


Never connect to both sets of tape inputs/outputs (see chapter 10 “CONNECTIONS”).

6.4 Main boost and main mute



are big non-latching buttons acting on the main outputs, temporarily

boosting (by +4 dB) and cutting (by -20 dB) volume.


Main cut could be used for audience sing-along bits. Or you could use main boost to
emphasize the beats etc.


Main boost should not be applied for more than just spot effects, as you will probably stress the
sound system, or simply cause the limiters to come in harder.

6.5 Zone

The ZONE stereo output

is a second main mix output with its own totally independent ZONE LEVEL


. This can be used for feeding the mix into a separate sound system such as DJ foldback, or

another room or area in a dance club.

6.6 Effect return

A line-level stereo effect return

(Max. gain 30 dB) feeds directly into the mix, level being adjusted by the


. This input is designed to accept the output from a mono or stereo effects unit

(see chapter 10 “CONNECTIONS”). It could also be used to return another stereo music source such as DAT
or mini disc if five stereo channels are not enough for your music needs.