Multiquip HTXD6i User Manual
Page 2

page 2 —Htxd6i RIDE-ON TROWEL • paRTs maNuaL — REv. #2 (10/21/13)
Specifications and part numbers are subject to change
without notice.
HTXD6i Ride-On Trowel
Table Of Contents .................................................... 2
Parts Ordering Procedures ...................................... 3
Explanation Of Code In Remarks Column............... 4
Suggested Spare Parts
.......................................... 5
component Drawings
Nameplate And Decals Assy................................. 6-7
Frame Assy. .......................................................... 8-9
Light Assy.......................................................... 10-11
Front And Side Guard Assy. ............................. 12-13
Left Front Panel Assy. ....................................... 14-15
Right Front Panel Assy. ....................................... 16-7
Rear Panel Assy. .............................................. 18-19
Platform Assy. ................................................... 20-21
Seat Frame Assy. .............................................. 22-23
Indicators - Switches - Meter Assy. ................... 24-25
Controller Assy. ................................................. 26-27
Relays - Fuses Assy. ........................................ 28-29
Pivot Assy. ........................................................ 30-31
Hydraulic Steering Assy. ................................... 32-33
Hydraulic Cylinder Assy. ................................... 34-35
Hydraulic Cooler Assy. ...................................... 36-37
Pump Assy. Complete....................................... 38-39
Pump Mounting Bracket Assy. ......................... 40-41
Pump Fittings Assy. .......................................... 42-43
Pump Levers Assy. ........................................... 44-45
Pump Stroker Mount Assy. ............................... 46-47
Hydraulic Hose Kit Assy. Complete .................. 48-49
Hyd. Hose Assy. (Pitch Block Ports P0-P1) ...... 50-51
Hyd. Hose Assy. (Pitch Block Ports C1~C4) ..... 52-53
Hyd. Hose Assy. (LH-RH Steering Valves #1) ... 54-55
Hyd. Hose Assy. (LH-RH Steering Valves #2) ... 56-57
Hyd. Hose Assy. (Pitch Blk SP-T3/Hyd. Motor) . 58-59
Hyd. Hose Assy. (Burp Tank/Filter/Valves) ........ 60-61
Hyd. Hose Assy. (Pitch Block/Cooler/ Pump) .... 62-63
Pitch Block Assy. ............................................... 64-65
Hydraulic Test Port Hoses Assy. ...................... 66-67
Burp Tank Assy. ................................................ 68-69
Suction Filter Assy. ........................................... 70-71
Test Port Assy. .................................................. 72-73
Left-Hand Valve Assy. ....................................... 74-75
Right-Hand Valve Assy. ..................................... 76-77
Stabilizer Assy. .................................................. 78-79
6-Blade Spider Assy. (Left-Side) ....................... 80-81
6-Blade Spider Assy. (Right-Side) .................... 82-83
Spray Assy. ....................................................... 84-85
Engine Mounting Assy. ..................................... 86-87
Engine Components And Radiator Assy. .......... 88-89
Air Cleaner And Exhaust Assy. ......................... 90-91
Water Pump, Fan, V-Belt Assy .......................... 92-93
Fuel System Assy. ............................................ 94-95
Battery Assy. ..................................................... 96-97
Radiator Mounting Hardware ............................ 98-99
Harness Assy. ............................................... 100-101
Terms And Conditions Of Sale — Parts .............. 102