Arranty – Bissell 6 3 9 0 User Manual

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If you need additional instruction regarding this warranty or have questions regarding what it may cover,

please contact BISSELL Consumer Services by e-mail, telephone, or regular mail as described below.

limited one year Warranty

Subject to the

*EXcEptIonS anD EXclUSIonS identified below, upon receipt of the product, BISSELL

Canada Corporation will repair or replace (with new or remanufactured components or products), at

BISSELL’s option, free of charge from the date of purchase by the original purchaser, for one year any

defective or malfunctioning part.

See information below on “If your BISSELL product should require service”.

This warranty applies to product used for personal, and not commercial or rental service. This warranty

does not apply to routine maintenance components such as belts or brushes. Damage or malfunction

caused by negligence, abuse, or use not in accordance with the User’s Guide is not covered.

If your bISSEll product should require service:

Call BISSELL Consumer Services at the number listed below or visit the BISSELL website —

to locate a BISSELL Authorized Service Centre in your area. If there are no authorized BISSELL Service Centres

in your area, a BISSELL Representative at

[email protected] or at the phone number below will

issue you a Return Authorization Number and a pre-paid mailing label to return the unit to BISSELL for warranty

The machine should be returned with a photocopy of your proof of purchase. (Your dated sales receipt is your

warranty — do not send original.) If you need information about repairs or replacement parts, or if you have

questions about your warranty, contact

bISSEll consumer Services.


[email protected]

or call:

BISSELL Consumer Services


Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET

Saturday 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET

or write:

BISSELL Canada Corporation

ATTN: Consumer Services

Box 1003,

Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6W2

bISSEll canaDa coRpoRatIon IS not lIablE foR IncIDEntal oR conSEQUEntIal DaMaGES of any

natURE aSSocIatED WIth thE USE of thIS pRoDUct. bISSEll’S lIabIlIty WIll not EXcEED thE pURchaSE

pRIcE of thE pRoDUct.

*EXcEptIonS anD EXclUSIonS fRoM thE tERMS of thE lIMItED WaRRanty

thIS WaRRanty IS EXclUSIVE anD In lIEU of any othER WaRRantIES EIthER oRal oR WRIttEn. any

IMplIED WaRRantIES WhIch May aRISE by opERatIon of laW, InclUDInG thE IMplIED WaRRantIES of

MERchantabIlIty anD fItnESS foR a paRtIcUlaR pURpoSE, aRE lIMItED to thE onE yEaR DURatIon

fRoM thE DatE of pURchaSE aS DEScRIbED aboVE.

©2006 BISSELL Homecare, Inc
BISSELL Canada Corporation
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S5
All rights reserved. Printed in Korea
Part Number 603-2144
Rev 7/06
Visit our website at:

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