Caution – Behringer 1002FX User Manual

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We should like to draw your attention to the fact

that extreme volumes may damage your hearing

and/or your headphones or loudspeakers. Turn the

MAIN MIX control and PHONES control in the main

section fully counterclockwise before you switch

on the unit. Always be careful to set appropriate

volume levels.

1.1 General mixing console functions

A mixing console fulfils three main functions:


Signal processing:

Microphones convert sound waves into voltage that has

to be amplified several-fold; then, this voltage is turned into

sound that is reproduced in a loudspeaker. Because micro-

phone capsules are very delicate in their construction,

output voltage is very low and therefore susceptible to

interference. Therefore, mic signal voltage is amplified

directly at the mixer input to a higher signal level that is less

prone to interference. This higher, interference-safe signal

level has to be achieved through amplification using an

amplifier of the highest quality in order to amplify the signal

and add as little noise to it as possible. The IMP “Invisible”

Mic Preamp performs this role beautifully, leaving no traces

of noise or sound coloration. Interference that could take

place at the preamplification level could affect signal quality

and purity, and would then be passed on to all other

devices, resulting in inaccurate sounding program during

recording or playback.

Signals fed into the mixer using a DI-box (Direct Injection) or

the output of a sound card or a keyboard, often have to be

adjusted to the operating level of your mixing console.
Frequency response correction

Using the equalizers found in each channel strip, you can

simply, quickly and effectively adjust the way a signal



Signal distribution:
Individual, processed signals from the channel strips are

compiled on busses and are fed into the main section for

further processing. Connections for recording equipment,

power amplifiers, headphones as well as CD/tape

connectors are available here. The mix is sent to the internal

FX processors or external effects processors via aux

sends and returns. Similarly, a mix can be created for the

musicians on the stage (monitor mix).


All other mixing console functions fall under this vital

category. Creating a mix means primarily adjusting the

volume levels of individual instruments and voices to one

another as well as giving them the appropriate weight within

the overall frequency spectrum. Likewise, you’ll have to

sensibly spread individual voices across the stereo image

of a signal. At the end of this process, adjusting the level of

the entire mix to other equipment in the signal path is required

(e. g. recorder/crossover/amplifier).

The interface of BEHRINGER mixing consoles is optimized for

these tasks, enabling you to easily keep track of the signal path.


1.2 The user’s manual

The user’s manual is designed to give you both an overview of

the controls, as well as detailed information on how to use them.

In order to help you understand the links between the controls,

we have arranged them in groups according to their function. If

you need to know more about specific issues, please visit our

website at Additional information and

explanations about various music industry/audio technology

terminology can be found on individual product pages as well as

in the glossary area of


The block diagram supplied with the mixing console

gives you an overview of the connections between

the inputs and outputs, as well as the associated

switches and controls.

For the moment, just try and trace the signal path from the

microphone input to the FX SEND connector. Don’t be put off by

the huge range of possibilities; it’s easier than you think! If you

look at the overview of the controls at the same time, you’ll be

able to quickly familiarize yourself with your mixing console and

you’ll soon be making the most of all its many possibilities.

1.3 Before you get started

1.3.1 Shipment

Your mixing console was carefully packed in the factory to

guarantee safe transport. Nevertheless, we recommend that

you carefully examine the packaging and its contents for any

signs of physical damage that may have occurred during transit.


If the unit is damaged, please do NOT return it to us,

but notify your dealer and the shipping company

immediately, otherwise claims for damage or

replacement may not be granted.


To assure optimal protection of your EURORACK

during use or transport, we recommend utilizing a

carrying case.


Please always use the original packaging to avoid

damage due to storage or shipping.


Never let unsupervised children play with the

EURORACK or with its packaging.


Please dispose of all packaging materials in an

environmentally-friendly fashion.

1.3.2 Initial operation

Be sure that there is enough space around the unit for cooling

purposes and to avoid overheating please do not place your

mixing console on high-temperature equipment such as radiators

or power amps.


Never connect the EURORACK to the power supply

unit when the latter is connected to the mains!

First connect the power supply unit to the console,

then connect the power supply unit to the mains.


Please make sure that all units have a proper

ground connection. For your own safety, never

remove or disable the ground conductor from the

unit or on the AC power cord. The unit should always

be connected to a mains socket outlet with a

protective earthing connection.


When installing the product, ensure the appliance

coupler or power cord is easily accessible for

disconnecting the unit from mains.