Optional accessories – Meade Instruments DS-2000 Generation II Telescopes with LNT module User Manual

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Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun.
Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.


A wide assortment of professional Meade accessories is available for the DS-2000 Series
Telescopes. The premium quality of these accessories is well-suited to the quality of the instrument
itself. Consult the Meade General Catalog or for complete details on these
and other accessories.

Eyepieces: For higher and lower magnifications, Meade Series 4000 Super Plössl (SP) yield high-
resolution imaging with all DS2000 telescope models. A useful selection includes the SP 9.7mm and
SP 12.4mm eyepieces.

#126 2x Barlow Lens (1.25"): Doubles each eyepiece power while maintaining excellent image cor-
rections. For example, a 9mm eyepiece used with the model DS-2060 yields a power of 78X; when
used in conjunction with the #126 Barlow lens, the same eyepiece yields 156X.

#937 2" Diagonal Mirror: Large-barrel 2" eyepieces (

e.g., MH 50mm, below) permit wide fields of

view impossible to achieve with eyepieces of smaller barrel diameter. The focusers of all DS-2000
Series telescopes, except for the DS-2060 models, include 2" eyepiece-holders to accept the over-
size #937 Diagonal Mirror, which in turn accepts eyepieces of 2" barrel diameter. An adapter is
included to allow for the use of standard 1.25"-barrel eyepieces in the 2" Diagonal Mirror as well.
(Note that the #937 is required only on DS-2000 refracting telescopes (

e.g., DS-2070, etc.); DS-2000

reflecting telescopes (

e.g., DS-2114S) do not require a diagonal mirror for the use of 2" eyepieces.)

MH 50mm Wide-Field Eyepiece (2" Optical Diameter): Ideal for spectacular low-power scanning
of star fields in the Milky Way or for the study of broad diffuse nebulae, the wide-field MH 50mm eye-
piece is a highly desirable accessory for all DS-2000 Series Telescopes (except for the DS-2060mm
models, which cannot accept large-barrel eyepieces). On the DS-2070, for example, the MH 50mm
ocular yields an actual field of view of 2.5° at 14X. On DS-2000 refractors, use with the #937
Diagonal Mirror.

#928 45° Erecting Prism: The 90° diagonal provided with DS-2000 Series refractors results in
upright-but-reversed viewing of land subjects. The #928 45° Erecting Prism (1.25") orients the image
correctly in terrestrial applications and results in a comfortable 45° viewing angle. For use with refrac-
tors only.

Camera Adapter: DS-2000 Series Telescopes may be used for through-the-telescope photography
of the Moon and planets or for terrestrial objects. For eyepiece-projection photography with any of
these telescopes, use the Basic Camera Adapter (1.25").

#1240 Electric Focuser: Attaches easily and quickly to any DS-2000 model for smooth, vibration-
free focusing. Each focuser includes coarse and microfine speeds. The standard equipment hand
controller accepts one (user-supplied) 9-volt battery; alternately, the focuser may be operated
through the Electronic Controller or Autostar handbox.

#506 AstroFinder™ Software and Cable Connector Kit: Displays more than 15,000 celestial won-
ders – galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, stars, and planets – on your PC, enabling even the beginner
to locate and identify objects to observe with the telescope or to print out star charts for use in observ-
ing sessions. Operates with any Windows™-based personal computer. The Cable Connector Kit per-
mits connection of any DS-2000 telescope model, Autostar, and PC, for downloading of new software
to Autostar or for updating of Earth satellite or other celestial object positions. This kit is included with
each AstroFinder Software package.

Electronic Eyepiece™: Now everyone can easily share views from an eyepiece – of the Moon, plan-
ets, stars, and land objects – on a television screen and allows for direct connection to monitors,
VCR's, and camcorders. This easy-to-set up and easy-to-use monochrome CMOS imager offers built-
in contrast control adjustment for varying astronomical and terrestrial lighting conditions.

The AutoStar Suite with Meade LPI™ (Lunar Planetary Imager) turns your DS2000 telescope,
AutoStar and PC into even more powerful and easy-to-use astronomical instrument. Capture great
images of the the Moon, planets, and brighter deep-sky objects, plus terrestrial targets first time out.
With Magic Eye software-assisted focusing. The AutoStar Suite Software includes imaging and plan-
etarium tools. Includes a cable to connect your telescope to your PC.

Atomic Time Updater Module (ATUM). Plug in the cable of the Atomic Time Update Module into
the ATUM port of your telescope’s LNT Module.The Atomic Time Updater Module allows your tele-
scope to update the LNT Module with the signal from the NIST atomic clock in Fort Collins, Colorado.