Setup menu – Meade Instruments DS-2000 Generation II Telescopes with LNT module User Manual
Page 26

Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the
Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
Cord Wrap, when set to "On," moves the telescope in such a way as to prevent the cords and
cables attached to your telescope assembly from getting wound around the assembly and tan-
gled as the telescope slews to objects. "Off" is the default setting.
Setup Menu
Manual Alignment Menus: The telescope must be initialized and aligned before Autostar can
find stars in the sky. If you wish to align the telescope manually, you may do by choosing Easy
Two Star Align, Two Star Align or One Star Align from the Set up menu. Otherwise Autostar per-
forms the default alignment, Automatic Alignment. See page 18.
Unlike the Automatic Alignment procedure, the observer must set the telescope into the home
position before choosing one of the manual alignment methods:
Loosen the telescope’s Altitude lock
Level the optical tube: Line up 0° on the Altitude setting circle with the
molded triangular pointer next to the circle. See Fig. 1b (inset).
3. Tighten the Altitude lock (Fig. 17
) to a firm feel only.
Point the telescope North. Use a compass or the North Star, Polaris as a guide to locating
North. See Fig. 31, page 35. Also, See Fig. 22.
, Autostar automatically chooses two bright stars from its data-
base. The user is then requested to center the stars in the eyepiece and press ENTER.
Two-Star Alignment requires some knowledge of the night sky. Autostar displays a database
of bright stars and
two stars are chosen by the observer from the database for alignment. It is
recommended that you choose stars with which you are familiar the first trying out this method.
One-Star Alignment also requires some knowledge of the night sky. One-Star Alignment is
identical to Easy: Align (see
, above), except Autostar displays a data-
base of bright stars and only
one star is chosen by the observer. The accuracy of One-Star
Alt/Az Alignment, unlike the Two-Star Alignment procedures, depends on how well the observ-
er levels the telescope and how close to North the telescope is pointed when setting the Home
Position (Fig. 16). Because the Two-Star Alignment methods use two stars to align upon, they
are more precise than One-Star Alignment.
Date changes the date used by Autostar. This function is useful to check events in the past or
future. For example, set the Date menu for a day three months in the future. Then check the
"Select Item: Event" menu for the Sunset time on that date. See
, page 24.
Time changes the time entered into Autostar. Setting the correct time is critical for Autostar to
properly calculate locations and events. Time may be set to 24-hour mode (military time) by
selecting the "blank" option which follows the "AM" and "PM" options.
Daylight Saving is used to enable or disable Daylight Savings time.
NOTE: Daylight Savings Time may be referred to by different names in various areas
of the world. Check local time to verify.
Telescope accesses the several options, including:
Model: Allows you to select the telescope model connected to Autostar.
Focal Length: Displays the focal length of the selected telescope.
Az Ratio and Alt Ratio: The Az (Azimuth) ratio and Alt (Altitude) ratio refers to the gears
of the telescope's motors. Do not alter these numbers.
Az Percent: The Az (Azimuth) Percent allows you to change the azimuth backlash,
the way the Arrow keys move the telescope along the azimuth (horizontal) axis. If you
enter a value near 100, the telescope tube responds more quickly (it responds immediately
at 100%) as you hold down an Arrow key and also slews (moves) the tube more quickly.
If you enter a value near 0, it takes longer for the tube to respond as you hold down an
Arrow key and also slews the tube more slowly. Experiment with this option. Try changing
the percent value until you get a "feel" for the Arrow keys that is comfortable for you.
Alt Percent: The Alt (Altitude) Percent operates identical to the AZ Percent option (see
above), but allows you to change the altitude backlash,
i.e., the way the Arrow keys move
the telescope when moving along the altitude (vertical) axis.
Note: The time and
date information is
kept by a high
precision internal
clock, which is set at
the factory and held
by a long-life lithium
Replace the internal
clock’s battery with a
CR2023 lithium
battery. This battery is
located in the battery
Both batteries are
available from Meade,
photographic supply
houses or any place
lithium batteries are
Fig. 22: To set the
telescope in the home
position, first line up
zero with the molded
pointer to level the
optical tube. Then point
the telescope North.
Set to 0°