Loadstar Sensors StockVUE Inventory Management System User Manual
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Loadstar Sensors, Inc. •
If you have more than 12 load cells, then you need to daisy chain the SC-1200s. Connect
SC1200-Master’s Downlink-A to SC1200-Slave’s Uplink-Y (as shown below).
Each load cell/bin combination is uniquely identified with a 8 character identifier, for example,
M50.R00.C00.S01, M50.R00.C00.S02, ...S03
, etc. This depends only on the port it is
connected to, not to the scale itself.
Attach the cable from the bin marked “…S01” to port number 1 of the SC-1200,
Attach the cable from the bin marked “…S02” to port number 2 of the SC-1200, and
so on.
The photo below shows 10 bins connected.