Labnet MultiGene Mini Personal Thermal Cycler User Manual
Page 11

2008-11-01 10:05:00
Temp 1c 95.0 2c 55.0 3c 72.0 4 04.0
Time 01:00 02:00 01:45 00:00
Seg. Temp(C) Time Ramp(C/s) +Temp +Time
5.0 01:00 #.# +0.0 +0:00
2c 55.0 02:00 #.# +0.0 +0:00
3c 72.0 01:45 #.# +0.0 +0:00
4 04.0 00:00 #.# +0.0 +0:00
Cycle1:×10 From 01 to 03
+Cycler Delete Back Save/Run
Use the key pad to input the sample volume. Press “Back” to go back to the
file list menu. Press “Run” to enter file running menu.
The symbol “*”at the top of User and File indicates the default User and
file. The Default User name is LABNET and the default file is 1.
default file cannot be renamed, but it can be edited.
File Editing Screen
In this screen, you can add and edit
cycles and segments of the file. A File
is comprised by cycles and segments.
The cycles contain the segments,
which are repeated. Move the cursor
by pressing “Up/Down” and “Right
/Left”. Press the keys to modify
parameter settings. Press “CE” to
change +/-.
Press “+Seg.” to add a segment.
In every segment, you can set
(Time), Ramping rate (Ramp),
temperature increment of every
cycle (+Temp) and time increment
of every cycle (+Time). Press “Delete” to delete the present segment.
NOTE: setting ramp to #.# provides the maximum ramping rate.
Press “+Cycle” to set cycle number and choose cycle segments to be included
in the cycle. The figure shows a cycle including the first segment to the third one,
and the cycle is set to repeat 10 times (x10).
Press “+Cycle” repeatedly to add cycles (max.: 5 sections ). Press “Delete” to
delete the present segment. Move cursor by pressing “Up/Down” to enter the
former segment or the latter.
Press “Save” to enter the file save menu.
Press “Back” to go back to the File List menu.
Please Note:
1. After editing a program, save it first before running.
2. When setting “Time” as “--:--” (i.e. ∞), the hot lid will automatically turn off
when the block reaches the set temperature.