KV2 Audio SDD3 User Manual
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Introducing the SDD3
The SDD3 is a 2 channel full range stereo audio
delay line, with one dedicated channel subwoo-
fer delay line.
Full range channels are specifically for delaying
audio signals for main PA systems or side fills,
with a maximum delay time of 393,216ms
(approx 134m / 442ft).
Each channel is equipped with a tunable high
pass filter for easy side fills setup.
The full range channels use super digital tech-
nology with wide bandwidth and enhanced
dynamic range. For optimal analog to digital
converter driving, the full range channels are
equipped with ADC sensitivity control, which
increases input level and reduces output level
at the same time, so the level pass in the SDD3
does not change when adjusting the ADC
sensitivity. The input level can be seen on the
level meters. Output level can be set in the
range from -10 to +10dB.
The subwoofer channel is dedicated for
delaying subwoofers with a bandwidth of
0 ÷ 120Hz and maximum delay time of 10ms
(approx 3,43m / 11,25ft).
The subwoofer channel has two independent
outputs which can be linked together for easy
cardioid setup. The subwoofer channel is
designed like a digitally controlled analog unit.
The output level can be set in the range from
-10 to +10dB.
Each audio input has parallel outputs for easy
audio device branching. Each audio output
features line drivers to maintain audio signal
integrity over long cable lengths. Each output is
equipped with a phase reverse switch and a
true bypass feature. When the device is swit-
ched off, all channels are bypassed.
For the best performance, where
possible use only KV2 Audio
components, any other compo-
nent may negatively affect the
sound quality.
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SDD3 has the same dimensions as
the KV2 audio SAC2 crossover.