Kuryakyn 8816 SPLINED ADAPTER for HONDA User Manual
Ride on, I n s ta l l at i o n, Part # included

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Part #
2 Splined Adapters
6 “D” Spring Washer
4 1/4-20 x 3/8 Set Screws
1 Installation Instructions
Please read and understand entire instructions before starting installation.
thank you for choosIng küryakyn!
Please note
It is the installers’ responsibility to make sure all fasteners (including pre-assembled) are
tightened before operation of motorcycle. Küryakyn will not warranty components that are
lost due to improper installation. Periodic maintenance may be required.
tools suggested
Allen wrenches, combination wrenches.
steP 1
Remove the stock footpeg. Save the fastener.
steP 2
If not already installed, install two set
screws into the back of the splined adapter. Install the
set screws backwards, with the Allen heads inside the
adapter body. See PIC.1.
steP 3
Install the splined adapter into the mount.
Use the “D” spring washers as needed to fill any excess
space between the adapter and the mount. Secure the
splined adapter with the stock fastener. See PIC.2.
steP 4
The set screws adjust the angle of the foot
peg and prevent the splined adapter from pivoting
too far upward. To find the correct angle, place the
foot peg on the adapter and visually determine if
you would like a steeper or flatter angle. Adjust the
depth of the set screws to suit your preference. You
can access the Allen head of the set screws via the
clearance holes in the front of the splined adapter.
steP 5
Install your
new Küryakyn footpeg or
floorboard. Repeat STEP 1
through STEP 5 for the opposite
Ride On!
fIts the front footPeg mounts of ’02-uP honda VtX 1800c/f.
s P l I n e d a d a P t e r f o r h o n d a
8 816
Install the “d” sPrIng
Washers as needed
Install the stock