Klein Tools KN1500PEXH User Manual
Page 6

HoiSt inSpection
Frequent and Periodic inspections of the web strap hoist must be performed at the intervals described below to ensure
proper operation and safety of the hoist.
frequent inspections require a visual examination (records not required) by the operator or other designated person.
If conditions are found during inspection that constitutes a hazard, the designated person shall determine if a more
detailed inspection is required. Frequent inspections should be performed at the following intervals:
• normal Service – monthly
• Heavy Service – weekly to monthly
• Severe Service – daily to weekly
• Special or infrequent service – as recommended by a qualified person before and after each occurrence.
• Hoists that have been idle for one month or more, but no more than one year shall under-go a frequent inspection
before put back into service.
periodic inspections require a visual inspection by a designated person who records the external conditions of
the hoist to provide a basis for continuing inspection. If conditions found during inspection constitute a hazard, a
designated person shall determine if disassembly of the hoist is required. Periodic inspections should be performed at
the following intervals:
• normal Service – yearly
• Heavy Service – semi-annually
• Severe Service – quarterly
• Special or infrequent service – as recommended by a qualified person before the first such occurrence and as
directed by the qualified person for any subsequent occurrence.
• Hoists that have been out of service for one year or more shall under-go a periodic inspection before put back
into service.
The following charts detail the items that are required to be inspected during Frequent and Periodic inspections. A
seperate chart is included in this instruction manual to record all Periodic Inspections.
Inspection Item
Normal Service
Heavy Service
Severe Service
Weekly to
Daily to
frequent inspection
All functional mechanisms for
maladjustment and unusual sounds
Hooks (as designated in this manual)
Hook latch operation, if used
Web strap (as designated in this manual)
Lever for bends, cracks, etc.
Hoist support for damage