Diet and lifestyle information – Kinetik Your fitness HRM2 User Manual

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Diet and Lifestyle Information


The balance of good health

There are eight key tips for a healthy diet that you may like to consider:

Enjoy the food

Eat a variety of different foods

Eat the right amount to be a healthy weight

Eat plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables

Do not eat too many foods that contain a lot of fat

Do not have sugary foods and drinks too often

Drink alcohol in moderation
The idea of a balanced diet is to include foods in the right proportions. The aim is to get all the

nutrients your body needs whilst maintaining a healthy weight. It is not a case of having roughly

equal measures of everything. There should be a lot of some foods and just a little of others.

The Balance of Good Health divides food into 5 different groups:

Bread, other cereals and potatoes (starchy foods)

Fruit and vegetables

Milk and dairy foods

Meat, fish and alternatives

Foods containing fat and foods containing sugar