Content of the package, Contents of a laserbit pluto mobility, 3 content of the package – GeoDesy FSO Pluto Mobility User Manual

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Horváth Holding

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3.3 Content of the package

Laserbit provides three product range with three different kinds of package contents.
The Laserbit Pluto Mobility(comprising Pico, Pinto and Pronto links) has all the
necessary nuts, bolts wall plugs and for the easy installation of the link. Also you can
find in the package the power supply units. These units also have all the necessary
gadgets for the fastening. Laserbit does not provide power cable for the connection
of the main and the outdoor box. For the detailed information please see the
chapters below:

3.3.1 Contents of a Laserbit Pluto Mobility

For the Pluto Mobility systems Laserbit provides all the necessary accessories to fix
the head to the bracket, fix the Power supply unit and the bracket to the wall, below
you can see what is provided in the Pluto Mobility package.

2 pcs Switch
1 pcs Hand knob with threaded stud
1 washer M8
2 spring washer
1 M6x 20 screw
1 M4x25 alan headed screw
1 3mm alan key
1 laser head
1 Instructional manual