Flex Securock Glass Mat Roof Board User Manual
Glass-mat roof board, Ecurock

Submittal Sheet
Roof Board
Glass-Mat roof board is a high-performance roof board for use in low-slope commercial roofing systems.
It enhances the durability of the entire roofing system when used as cover board in single-ply mechanically attached
systems. Its specially treated core and high-performance glass-mat facer provide protection against fire, mold
and moisture.
Fire Performance
Meets Factory Mutual (FM) Class 1 and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Class A fire ratings for
unlimited slope in fire barrier applications per UL 790.
Easier to cut, handle and install
High-quality mat produces less itchiness than competitive products.
Moisture and Mold
Fiberglass face and back with treated core provides moisture and mold resistance. Scored a
maximum “10” for mold resistance on ASTM D3273.
– S
Glass-Mat roof board is engineered to perform within a properly designed roof system. The use
of S
Glass-Mat roof board as a roofing component is the responsibility of the design professional.
– Consult roofing manufacturers for specific instructions on the application of their products to S
Glass-Mat roof board.
– Weather conditions, dew, application temperature, installation techniques and moisture drive can have adverse
effects on the performance of the roof system and are beyond the control of USG.
– Keep S
Glass-Mat roof board panels dry before, during and after installation. S
Glass-Mat roof
board should not be installed during rains, heavy fogs and any other conditions that deposit moisture on the
surface of the board. Apply only as much S
Glass-Mat roof board that can be covered by final roof
membrane system in the same day. Avoid exposure to moisture from leaks or condensation.
– For re-roof or re-cover applications, existing roofing system must be dry throughout prior to application of
Glass-Mat roof board.
– Plastic or poly packaging applied at the plant to protect board during rail or other transit should be removed
upon receipt to prevent condensation or trapping of moisture, which may cause application problems.
– S
Glass-Mat roof board should be stored flat and off the ground with protection from the weather.
If stored outdoors, a breathable waterproof covering should be used.
– For systems not listed, please contact your local USG S
roofing sales representative.
Refer to roof system manufacturer's written instructions, local code requirements and Factory Mutual Global (FMG
and/or Underwriters Laboratories (UL) requirements for proper installation techniques.
– Use fasteners specified in accordance with above requirements. Install approved fasteners with plates into
the S
Glass-Mat roof board, flush with the surface. Fasteners should be installed in strict compliance
with the roof system manufacturer’s installation recommendations and FMG Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29.
Proper fastener spacing is essential to achieve wind-uplift performance.
– Locate edge joints on, and parallel to, deck ribs. Stagger end joints of adjacent lengths of S
roof board. Butt board edges and ends loosely in typical installations. Long, uninterrupted runs (greater than
200 feet) of S
Glass-Mat roof board may require slight gapping due to thermal expansion.
– See product data table for maximum flute span when panels are applied directly over metal decking.
– For vertical parapet applications, only 1/2" or 5/8" panels should be used. Maximum framing spacing is 24" o.c.
High-performance glass-mat roof board for use in low-slope commercial roofing systems
– Ideal for use as cover board in single-ply mechanically attached systems
– Moisture and mold resistant core and facer
– Provides protection to roof system from hail and foot traffic
– Fire resistant for use as fire barrier and thermal barrier
– Unmatched mat-to-core tensile bond strength makes facer less likely to delaminate when cutting.
– High-quality tight mat makes for easier handling and cutting.