Burley BEE User Manual

Page 6

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Burley Bee Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual

Installation and Use of the Cover

Your Big Screen 2-in-1 Cover is held in place by two snaps at the top of the frame,

four rubber o-rings (two in the front and two in the rear) as well as a fore and aft strip

of Velcro. Always use your cover to keep debris out (and toys inside) of the trailer

when it’s in use.

Installing the Cover

To install the cover, unfold it and snap the top

two snaps fi rst. Next, pull the cover toward the

back of the trailer and atach the rubber O-rings

and Velcro. Finish installation by attaching the

two front O-rings and Velcro.

Folding and Stowing the Front Window

Folding and stowing the front window is

quick and easy. Begin by unhooking the

window where it attaches to the O-rings

at the front of the trailer. Next, roll the

window up toward the top of the trailer.

Hold the window in place by inserting it

into the elastic loops at the top.

Tongue Installation and Operation

Install Tongue

To fa cil i tate tongue in stal la tion, tip your Bur ley Bee frame onto its back end. If you

are working on a rough or dirty sur face, lay down a cloth or other protective barrier.

Installing your Burley Bee tongue involves four simple steps (illustrated on page 7):

1. Slide the tongue onto the piv ot pin at the left front.

2. Remove the hairpin cotter and lock pin from the front tongue re cep ta cle, rotate

the tongue up into place, and snap it into the two plastic tongue re cep ta cles.

3. Secure the tongue by push ing the lock pin fully into the front tongue re cep ta cle.

4. Rotate the lock pin and lo cate the hole in it which will be between the re cep -

ta cle and the trailer frame. Anchor the lock pin by inserting the hair pin cotter all

the way into the hole in the lock pin.