Operation – BBE DS26 User Manual

Page 16

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A.Determines whether the outputs will stay muted on power up until manually
switched off (Mute Hold) or the level will gradually fade up to the operating level
(Fade In). The fade-in time is fixed.

B.Fade-in: Mutes are off, but Output channels rise to programmed levels gradually.

C.Mute Hold: All Output channels are muted until the mutes are manually disabled
either on the front panel or through the GUI.

3.Delay Time/Distance: Selects the Delay unit display for either Time, Meters, or Feet

NOTE: Though there are some variables, generally speaking the speed of sound in 71
degree Fahrenheit dry air at sea level is ~773miles per hour. This is ~345 meters per sec-
ond and about 1.13 feet per millisecond. .5 milliseconds equates to about 6.78 inches.

7.5 Interface Submenu

This submenu deals with the PC interface and includes setting for baud rate and ID num-

Press MENU, then NEXT three times and then ENTER twice. Use the BACK/NEXT and
ENTER buttons to adjust the Subsystem Submenu. The PARAM dial may also be used to
enter values. Subsystem Submenu items are as follows:

1.RS232 baud rate and address code setting: Select 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
baud rate according to different PC capabilities.

2.Remote ID NUM: Select 1~32. Use this function when multiple DS24/DS26 units are
used. Master Control unit is set as 1; slave units are set with subsequent numbers.

7.6 Parameter

Parameter lets you set the specific values for a configuration. Generally these are set for
the outputs of the device. Inputs require only a gain setting. Parameters include such
things as polarity, EQ, Limiter, Delay, HiPass Filter, LoPass Filter, and Filter Type.

7.6.1 Gain:

The first two presses of the GAIN button will offer Input Level adjustment for A and
B. The third press takes you to the Outputs. Once in Outputs, additional presses of
GAIN will cycle you through the four or six outputs. (The system will display the last
Output selected from the previous editing session.) Inputs:

Press GAIN to enter the Parameter setup menu. Set the gain for Input A using
the PARAM dial. Press NEXT and set the gain for Input B using the PARAM dial.

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