Control Company 4136 DATA ACQUISITION User Manual
Control Company Software

Powerful and easy to use computer data capture/data
logging program works with Traceable® Instruments with
computer output. Records interval readings from 1 to
10,000 seconds; displays minimum/maximum readings;
and utilizes an alarm mode that permits the user to be
noti ed visually, audibly, and by email when an alarm is
triggered. Data is stored to a le that can be printed in
any report or spreadsheet format. Networking server/cli-
ent capability allows the captured data to be monitored
on a remote workstation and/or by email. It is designed to
work with Windows® 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista.
This software is a powerful tool for Microsoft Windows®
users. It provides the functions of data capture and data
logging. The data les captured may be used (imported)
with Microsoft Word®, Corel WordPerfect®, Microsoft Ex-
cel®, scienti c programs, statistical software programs,
and other similar software.
• Captured data is stored and displayed instantaneously
with measurement units
• Alarm mode allows the user to be noti ed visually,
audibly, and by email when an alarm is triggered
• Displays the minimum and maximum data readings
• Networking server/client capability allows the captured
data to be monitored on a remote workstation
• Captured data can be monitored periodically by email
• Easy setup: Auto-detect for COM port con guration
• Captured data is stored to a le and can be printed in a
report format
• Programmable start time
• Customizable data capture options such as maximum
records saved and records saved interval time
• Demo mode simulates data capture without meter
• Output le is an easy to read and use .csv le
Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista
IBM 486, Pentium or above
Serial or USB port
1. Insert CD into CD-ROM drive.
2. Autorun CD will run the installation program.
3. Locate product picture and click the button below
labeled with the product number to begin installation.
4. Installation program will install all necessary les and
place the program icon in the Start->All Programs
->Data Capture folder.
To run the demo program no other operation is neces-
sary. Skip to Demo later in these instructions to run the
demo program.
1. To run the program, click on START button, point to the
all programs arrow, point to the Control Company Data
Capture folder, and point to and click Data Capture.
2. Click on “Browse” in the toolbar followed by Browse
Con guration Options. Click Change, then click the
Default Settings button. Make sure the Disable Auto-
Detect checkbox is not selected. Click OK, click Close.
1. Connect the meter to the computer using a serial cable.
If there is not a serial port on the computer use a
serial-to-USB converter cable. If an AC adapter was
supplied with the serial cable accessory use the
adapter to power the cable. It is also recommended to
power the meter with an AC adapter accessory.
2. Now power on the meter.
1. Click on “Capture” in the toolbar. The window will take
a moment depending on the speed of your computer to
open while detecting the meter. Once the window opens,
make certain the ellipse shaped ‘Data’ Symbol is green
indicating that meter output data is being received.
2. (optional) Enter record interval sample rate.
3. (optional) Enter Start Time to begin Data Capture in
24 hour format. If a start time is entered then data will
not be captured until the start time is reached. If no
start time is entered then data capture begins
immediately when the Data Capture button is ON.
4. (optional) Enter the number of records to be stored.
When the number of records indicated has been
captured the program will stop capturing data. If no
value is entered, an in nite number of records will
be captured.
5. (optional) Enter your maximum alarm trip point. If
current reading is greater than the trip point then the
alarm will sound.
6. (optional) Enter your minimum alarm trip point. If
current reading is less than the trip point then the
alarm will sound.
7. (optional) To enable alarm, click Alarm Enable ON.
8. (optional) To turn off an alarm which is sounding, click
Alarm Clear.
9. (optional) To clear all minimum and maximum readings,
click on Clear Min/Max. To clear the Min/Max for only
one measurement eld, click the Clear button next to
that eld.
10. Click Capture Data Start. (Click Stop when nished).
11. Always click on Exit when closing the Data Capture
From the Browse Data Capture File screen, click Delete
Records. The capture le keeps all records until deleted.
Delete Records will not delete records exported to a
saved le. It is a backup le which instantly captures and
writes data to a disk. In case of computer failure, incor-
rectly exiting a program, or power outage, data will not
be lost. After you have exported your data to a le and
are certain you have your data in that le, then click on
Delete Records prior to your next test.
To view captured data, click on “Browse” in the toolbar
followed by Browse Data Capture File.
From the main program screen, click on “Reports” in the
toolbar followed by Data Capture Report to view or print a
data capture report.
The captured data is stored in the default directory in a
.TPS (topspeed) database le labeled “CAPTURE.TPS”.
1. Click on “Demo” in the toolbar.
2. Perform the functions of 2 through 11 in the Data Capture
instruction section. The data output on the screen is
random data generated by the program.
3. When closing the Demo Program, always click on Exit.
It is recommended that the random demo data captured
be deleted. See Delete Data instruction section.
1. A more extensive help le can be accessed inside the
software by clicking “Help” on the toolbar inside the
main program.
2. Make certain the meter is connected to the computer
and turned on before opening the data capture screen.
3. Make certain there are fresh batteries in the meter.
4. If the ellipse-shaped Data Symbol is GREEN then you
are receiving data. If it is YELLOW then you are not
receiving data. If you are not receiving data ensure
all proper connections are made. If this fails restart
the program and/or the computer.
5. If your meter is connected to your computer, yet
“Cannot Detect Device” message appears then close
the capture window, ensure proper connections are
made, and open the capture window again.
6. If you wish to run two instances of the program
simultaneously, install the program to two separate
directories. This will ensure that the data capture les
do not overwrite each other.
7. If the program window does not t on your monitor you
may need a higher screen resolution. The lowest
resolution recommended is 1152x864 pixels.
Supplied from Control Company in a single package are
two cable connections and software on a CD to connect
and capture all data from your instrument. Included
are a serial converter cable for those users with a serial
computer connection, a serial to USB cable for those
users with a USB connection, and Windows software
on a CD. System requirements are Windows 98/Me/
NT/2000/XP/Vista and a PC such as IBM 486, Pentium,
or above. Also available are 50 foot extension cables.
These extension cables may be plugged together to over
150 feet in order to place the instrument 150 feet from the
computer. Depending on your speci c environment you
may be able to use additional extension cables to extend
the length to 300 feet or more.
Order this complete Data Acquisition System including
serial cable/USB cable/Software:
For Product
Catalog No.
Cat. No.
1870 Traceable
Digital Barometer Module .................... 1871
3165/3166 Traceable
Pressure/Vacuum Gauge ........... 4136
3252 Traceable
Dual-Display Light Meter ..................... 4136
3253 Traceable
Ultraviolet Light Meter ......................... 4136
3460 Traceable
Manometer/Vacuum Gauge ................ 8045
4000/4005/4006 Traceable
Digital Thermometer .......... 4235
4007 Traceable
Memory Wide-Range Thermometer .... 4237
4080/4085 Traceable
Hygrometer/Thermometer .......... 4099
4087 Traceable
Hygrometer/Thermometer ................... 4237
4132 Traceable
Platinum Thermometer ........................ 4136
4137 Traceable
Double Thermometer .......................... 4136
4169 Traceable
Dual-Display Conductivity Meter ......... 4136
4185/4385 Traceable
Hygrometer/Thermometer .......... 8045
4189 Traceable
Humidity/Thermometer ........................ 4136
4310 Traceable
Moisture Meter .................................... 4136
4315 Traceable
Infrared Digital Thermometer .............. 4136
4320 Traceable
Dissolved Oxygen Meter ..................... 4136
4330 Traceable
Hot Wire Anemometer ......................... 4136
4331 Traceable
Anemometer/Thermometer ................. 4237
4360 Traceable
Conductivity Meter .............................. 8045
Optional Accessory
Cat. No. 7791 -- 50 foot extension cable
To order please contact:
4455 Rex Road
Friendswood, Texas 77546 USA
Ph. 281 482-1714 • Fax 281 482-9448
E-mail [email protected] •
Export Capture File: Allows you to save captured data
to a le. (See Figure)
• Highlight elds to export then press the Add -> button.
(multiple elds can be highlighted using the Ctrl key)
• Order the elds by pressing the Shift Up or Shift Down
• When nished selecting the elds, press the OK
button. A “Save As” box will now ask where the data
should be stored.
If you plan to open it with Microsoft Excel save the le as
a *.csv le type, and it will open properly.
EDIT – Not Used
Browse Data Capture File
• Allows you to look at the data saved by the capture
• Press the Delete Records button to delete all records
from this le.
• To search select tabbed eld (ID, Date, time) type entry
into the search eld and press the Tab key.
Browse Confi guration Options
• Pressing the Change button allows you to select the
COM port, Parity, Baud Rate, Data Bits and Stop Bits.
• While in change mode, press the Default Settings
button to set serial input options to the recommended
parameters for the device.
• The COM port will be detected automatically when the
data capture begins. If you wish to set this parameter
manually, check the Disable Auto-Detect checkbox and
set your COM port.