Control Company 5133 CONTINUOUS VISUAL ALARM TIMER User Manual
Control Company Clock
Timing Capacity:
9999 minutes
SeLectinG aUDiBLe oR ViSUaL aLaRM
The alarm selector switch is located on the back of the
unit. Slide the switch to the desired alarm setting.
= Audible alarm, audible key confirmation
= Visual alarm, visual key confirmation
coUntDown aLaRM tiMinG
1. If the timer is running, press the START/STOP button
and then press the and buttons simultaneously.
The display should read 00 00.
2. Press the button to advance the display, or press
the button to decrease the display. (When the
display reads 00 00, pressing the button will
decrease the display to 99 99.)
3. Once the desired time is on the display, press the
START/STOP button to begin counting down.
During countdown timing, the alarm will sound once
(single flash or beep) every 30 seconds to indicate a 30
second interval has passed.
4. When the display reaches 00 00 the alarm will start
(audible or visual depending on the alarm setting) and
the timer will begin counting up.
Note: During the first 99 minutes 59 seconds of count-up
time, the resolution is 1 second, after 100 minutes,
the count-up resolution is 1 minute.
continuous alarm--
During the first minute of alarming, the timer will alarm
with increasing intensity. After the first minute, the
timer will continue counting up and will alarm once (a
single flash or beep) every 30 seconds until the alarm
is stopped. The alarm may be stopped at any time by
pressing any button.
while the timer is alarming--
Pressing the or button will stop the alarm, but will
allow the timer to continue counting up.
Pressing the START/STOP button will stop the alarm,
stop the count up timing and will return the display to the
originally programmed time.
MeMoRy RecaLL
The memory function will recall the last programmed
time. This feature allows the timer to be dedicated to
a frequently timed test. The timer will return to the last
programmed time again and again.
1. Follow steps 1 through 4 in the “Countdown Alarm
Timing” section.
2. When the alarm starts, press the START/STOP button
to stop the alarm, stop the count up timing and return
the display to the originally programmed time.
3. Press the START/STOP button again to begin
counting down.
coRRectinG an entRy
If an error is made during an entry, press the and
buttons simultaneously to clear the display to zero. To
clear an entry when time is running, stop the timing by
pressing the START/STOP button, then press the and
buttons simultaneously. The timer will only clear when
time is stopped.