C.B.S. Scientific M-624 User Manual
Page 8
www.cbsscientific.com Incubator Culture Chamber
Flushing the Culture Chamber
1. Both hose clamps should be in the open position.
2. The gas is introduced into the culture chamber via the inlet and outlet ports on
the rear of the chamber. The regulator on the gas bottle should be fitted with a
length of Tygon tubing and a 10ml plastic pipette.
3. The pressure output should be pre-set to 10 psi.
4. Open the tank valve to start the flow of gas into the chamber.
5. Flush the chamber for 30 seconds.
6. At the end of 30 seconds, close the outlet hose clamp, then QUICKLY close the
inlet hose clamp. If there is a delay between closing the outlet and inlet,
pressure will build up inside the chamber and leak out through the lid corners.
The lid will reseal once the pressure has been reduced.