Bruce Reserve Premium User Manual
Page 21

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For questions about Armstrong Laminate Flooring please call Customer Relations and Technical Services at 1.800.233.3823.
Installing Remaining Rows
1. Begin the second row of planks with the piece cut from the last
piece in the first row. If the piece is shorter than 8" (20.32 cm), cut
a new plank in half and use it to begin the second row. Whenever
practical, use the piece cut from the preceding row to start the next
row. End joints of all boards should be staggered 8" (20.32 cm) or
more. Grout lines on planks with tile visuals can be aligned, or off-set
as long as end joints are staggered (Fig. 11).
2. Install the long end of the first board at an angle to the board in
the previous row. Keep this board at its natural angle slightly raised
off the subfloor (Fig. 12). Use a scrap piece of laminate to support
the row if needed.
3. Continue installing full boards in the second row by angling the
short end of the next board in the row to lock into the previous
board (Fig. 13). Position the board so that the long side of the
is close to boards in the previous row and overlapping the groove
of the boards in the previous row.
4. Angle up and push forward until the boards lock together (Fig. 14).
5. Continue installing full boards in the second and subsequent rows
until you reach the wall on your right.
6. Mark the last piece, cut and install. After all boards in the row are
installed, press or walk all boards flat to the subfloor to begin the
next row (Fig. 15).
7. Use a pull bar when necessary to ensure joints are tight (Fig. 16).
Installing the Last Row
1. The last row in the installation may need to be cut lengthwise.
2. Place the row of planks to be fit on top of the last row of installed
planks. Use a divider or a piece of the plank as a scribe to trace the
contour of the wall (Fig. 17).
3. Be sure to place a spacer between the marking pen and “scribe”
piece of board. This adds the 1/4" (6.35 mm) to 1/2" (12.7 mm)
space you need at the finish wall. (Fig. 17).
4. Mark where the board should be cut.
5. If the fit at the finish wall is simple and straight, just measure for the
correct width and cut.
6. After the last row is installed, use the pull bar to tighten the joints.
7. When appropriate, cut the underlayment even with the top of the
floor (Fig. 18).
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Fig. 18