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1. With the rifle pointing in a safe direction and your fingers outside the trigger guard, remove the magazine, open the bolt and both

visually and by touch, make certain there is not a cartridge in the chamber.

2. WARNING: Prior to installing stock verify that you have purchased the correct stock to fit your receiver extension tube. Confirm that

you have either a “Commercial” receiver extension (Fig A.) or a “Mil-Spec” receiver extension (Fig B.). To determine your receiver

extension tube size simply measure the diameter of the tube. It is crucial that you have purchased the correct size stock. If you have

purchased the correct size tube it should slide fairly easily over the tube and not fit too tight or not have too much wobble. If the stock is

extremely tight DO NOT force the stock onto the tube. DO NOT FORCE a Mil-Spec stock onto a Commercial sized rear extension.

Forcing the stock onto the tube may damage the extension tube or the stock. If you have purchased the incorrect stock, contact

BLACKHAWK! Customer Service for an exchange.

3. Slide existing adjustable stock to the rear most position. Pull downward on stock Release Lever and slide stock off back end of receiver

extension. (Figure C)

4. Install BLACKHAWK! Adjustable Rifle Stock by pulling downward on Release Lever and sliding onto back end of receiver extension.

(Figure D)

5. To adjust stock length, grasp and squeeze rear adjustment lever. While squeezing adjustment lever, slide rear portion of stock to desired

length and release lever. Locking pin will automatically engage or “click” into nearest corresponding locking hole. To ensure engagement

of locking pin, push or pull on rear portion of stock. NOTE: At the shortest length setting, some different Commercial sized rear extension

tubes will protrude slightly out rear of stock. To avoid simply adjust the stock to next longest setting.

6. This stock includes a 1” Quick-Detach removable sling swivel preinstalled for a right hand user. To reposition the sling swivel for a left

hand user push the quick detach button located on the top of the swivel and remove the swivel assembly. Remove the preinstalled swivel

base by unscrewing the Phillips Bolt and washer. Reinstall the hardware on the reverse side of the stock and re-engage the Quick-Detach

sling swivel.

7. Prior to using your firearm in an operational environment test all the functions and operations of the firearm to verify correct installation

of the stock.

fig. C

fig. D



NORFOLK, VA U.S.A. 1.800.694.5263


Figure A (Commercial Tube Cross Section)

Figure B (Mil-Spec Tube Cross Section)

