Appendix c: software hints - pg c-1 – B&B Electronics 232SPS2 User Manual
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232SPS2-3903 Manual
Appendix C: Software Hints
B&B Electronics -- PO Box 1040 -- Ottawa, IL 61350
PH (815) 433-5100 -- FAX (815) 433-5104
In parallel to serial mode, data from the computer is output
through the parallel port. The 232SPS2 will send the data to the
serial printer. The following command can be entered at the DOS
prompt to send a data out the parallel port:
PRINT filename
This command will output filename out the parallel port. The
first time that this command is executed, you will be prompted for the
PRN device (LPT1, LPT2, etc. ). For this device, you should enter
the parallel port that the 232SPS2 is connected. The default device
is LPT1.
In serial to parallel mode, data is output through the serial port.
The 232SPS2 will send the data to the printer. Before data can be
sent out the serial port, you must set up the communications to
match the serial port settings of the 232SPS2. Your serial port's
communications can be set using the "MODE" command as follows:
MODE COMn: b,p,s,r
The syntax options for the MODE command are:
The port to be configured. COM1, COM2 are
two common examples.
The baud rate setting. 12=1200, 24=2400,
48=4800, 96=9600, & 19=19200 baud
The parity setting. N=none, E=even, O=odd.
The number of stop bits. Must be set to "1".
Type of retry of time-out error occurs.
e = Return busy port error.
b = Return busy port "Busy"
p = Continue retry until printer accepts data
r = Return "Ready" from busy port
n = Disable retry (Default)
If the 232SPS2 is set for 9600 baud, parity disabled, 8 data bits
and is connected to COM1, the MODE command parameters would
be as follows:
Appendic C: Software Hints
232SPS2-3903 Manual
B&B Electronics -- PO Box 1040 -- Ottawa, IL 61350
PH (815) 433-5100 -- FAX (815) 433-5104
MODE COM1: 96,n,8,1,p
If any of the parameters are omitted, the most recent setting will
be used. It is recommended that the "p" option be used for the retry
option. If the "p" is not used, a device busy error may occur. To
send data out the serial port, the following command can be entered
at the DOS prompt:
TYPE filename > COM1
This command will send filename out COM1.