APG PG-5000 datasheet User Manual
Pg-5000, Digital pressure gauge, Pg-5000 digital pressure gauge

Automation Products Group, Inc.
1025 West 1700 North
Tel. 1/888/525-7300
Logan, UT 84321 USA
Fax 1/435/753-7490
w w w . a p g s e n s o r s . c o m
s a l e s @ a p g s e n s o r s . c o m
PG-5000 Digital Pressure Gauge
Automation Products Group, Inc.
Large, full 4 digit display
with 0.5 in. characters
Available ranges from vacuum
up to 500 psi, and from 0 up to
10,000 psi
Microprocessor-based circuit has
“TARE” capability standard
Display capability to 9999
Self-powered by standard 9 V
±0.25% accuracy of full scale (on
selected ranges)
Gauge reference pressure
Internally compliant to CE
On/off button
Digital Pressure Gauge
Other units of measure available
Other process connection fittings
16-minute auto-off optional at no
extra cost
Rear pressure port
Zero adjust knob
0-2 VDC output (battery
4-20 mA output (loop powered)
0-5 VDC output (external power)
Up to ±0.1% full scale accuracy
with NIST certification, on
selected ranges
Cleaned for oxygen service
For OEM applications or other
configurations, consult factory
Panel mount flange (rear pressure
port only)
AC to DC external power supply
Shock dampening rubber boot
Operational Description
Battery powered digital gauge
offers full four digit display.
The PG-5000 four-digit display
unit incorporates an all-stainless
steel sensor. The sensor is resistant
to most typical exposures of
vibration and shock. The APG
gauge is also less sensitive to the
effects of pulsating pressures, a
major advantage when compared
to vibration sensitive dial gauges.
Available options include peak hold,
4-20 mA two wire, 0-2 VDC, and
0-5 VDC outputs.
No special tools or adaptors
are required for installation of the
PG-5000. This makes the unit an
easy, cost effective replace ment for
less accurate, standard mechanical
gauges. The unit’s long life, ease
of operation, high accuracy, and
low cost make it perfect for all
applications where standard 2.5 in.
or larger mechanical gauges have
been used.
Rev. 10.08