Allen&Heath ZED-R16 User Manual

Page 45

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Allen & Heath 45 ZED-R16 User Guide

To record the audio on tracks 1 & 2, click
the R buttons so they light up red, then the
record button (circle) on the transport con-
trols on the top icon toolbar. (Or select lar-
ger transport controls from Views).
The audio wave profile will show in the track
Click stop (Square) when finished.

To listen to the recording, click rewind, then
de-select the input echo buttons (to the right
of the R buttons. Also disarm the tracks by
de-selecting the R buttons.

Click Play (or spacebar) and the recorded
audio should play to the selected outputs on
the track which if you have selected CH1/2
and panned left for track 1 and CH1/2
panned right for track 2 will be the same
channels on ZED-R16 supplying the audio to
the tracks.

Dropouts and Latency

A common problem of a poorly set up digital audio system is audio dropout, either temporary or permanent, and clicks or
artefacts. These can be caused by various inadequacies of the system which can be either hardware or software. If you ex-
perience audio dropouts or clicks, the first thing to do is to analyse your computer system and test its ability to process
streamed audio data.
A good tool to use is the DPC checker described on p31, which checks for excessive computer processor timings caused by
certain drivers or applications running on the computer. As a general guideline a DPC measurement of below 100uS should
enable audio streaming to run with reasonable buffer sizes.
If excessively high measurements are reported by the DPC checker, it is a good idea to investigate the cause. Disconnect
peripherals (ZED-R16, printers etc) and any network if possible and look for improvement. In addition it is often beneficial
to disable drivers for unused network connections such as wireless network drivers. For more tips and diagnostic advice
please check our website, or contact our Tech Support department by logging onto


For many people low latency is important, especially for artists’ monitoring purposes. ZED-R16 is ideal because it offers the
ability to monitor the signal from the pre-amp using the Aux buses in the analogue domain, whilst recording to digital, pro-
viding zero latency foldback.
Sometimes low latency from the FireWire bus audio transfer is required, so as a guide here is a table showing latency figures
at different sample rates and buffer sizes.

Sample Rate

Buffer Size

Each way latency


128 bytes



256 bytes



256 bytes



512 bytes
