Allen&Heath iDR-8 User Manual
Page 12

IDR-8 User Guide
Delay Each input and output channel provides
delay from 0 up to 340ms. It can be adjusted in
ms, metres or feet and has compensation for
PEQ The input channels each provide a 4 band
fully parametric equaliser, the output channels an
8 band equaliser. Compared with the graphic EQ
these are by far more powerful and accurate tools
for adjusting frequency response. Selectable
band types include HF shelf, LF shelf, bell, notch,
HPF, LPF and crossover filter type. Variable or
constant Q width can be used. The resulting
response is displayed on a frequency curve.
Gate The input channel noise gate is used to
turn the channel off when its level falls below a
preset ‘threshold’ level. This shuts off unwanted
noise such as ambient background pickup,
equipment hiss and hum and so on. It provides
threshold, depth, hold, attack and release
controls. The sidechain can be switched in for
frequency selective gating.
Compressor The input channel compressor
controls the dynamics of the signal. It can, for
example, help the intelligibility of the human voice
by reducing the gain of high levels and increasing
the gain of low levels, in effect squashing the
levels into a more manageable range. The
compressor provides threshold, ratio, hard/soft
knee, makeup gain, attack and release controls.
The sidechain can be switched in for frequency
selective compression such as de-essing or LF
Sidechain filter This input channel filter can be
switched into the gate and/or compressor so that
the dynamic response is tailored according to
frequency. For example, you can reduce the
‘pumping’ effect of a compressor by slightly
cutting the low frequencies in the sidechain, or
prevent false opening by triggering a noise gate
on the resonant frequency of an instrument using
a bell response sidechain filter. Full type and
parameter control is provided.
Limiter Each output channel includes a
protection limiter to control the maximum level
allowed at the outputs. This is typically used to
protect loudspeakers and control maximum SPL
listening levels. Threshold, attack and release can
be controlled.
Faders, mute and polarity The input and output
channels each provide a fader, mute switch and
polarity reverse. The fader offers +5dB boost
above the unity gain ‘0’ position. The matrix
provides variable level crosspoints with
independent fader control.
Groups and stereo linking Faders can be
grouped so that a master fader takes control of
assigned input or output faders. Channels can be
linked for stereo operation with single fader level
control and linked processing throughout the
audio path.
Active monitor bus Any point in the audio signal
path can be monitored. This is selected manually
or by moving the mouse over an active window.
The monitor can ‘ripple through’ several iDR units.
With no monitor point selected, the signal from the
previous iDR unit is passed through to the output.
This means that one monitor output can be used
to listen to any point in a multiple iDR system.
Metering Full metering is provided from all the
points marked with a meter bar in the diagram.
Sidechain level, gain reduction, and stereo
monitor meters are included.
Pager Two independent paging systems are
provided. They are fully configurable with
selectable paging mic, zones affected, and
variable ducker depth. They can be triggered
from any soft switch and use any soft LED for
indication. The switch action can be momentary
or latching.
Ducking Any input can override any combination
of outputs with variable depth, threshold and
release. There are 16 assignable priority levels.
Ducking is useful for overriding background music
during announcements, recorded messages,
jukebox playback and so on.
AMM The automatic mic mixer is popular in
conference situations where several microphones
can contribute to the mix. Microphones are only
opened when they are being spoken into. The
overall gain is reduced as more microphones are
opened. The amount by which they are reduced
is known as the NOM (number of open mics)
setting. This maintains a more constant level and
helps stop feedback. The ambient level is the
sum of all the mic channels. Threshold adjusts
the point at which the microphone opens above
the ambient level.
Level sense switching The iDR logic outputs
can be switched when channel signal activity is
sensed. These could be used, for example, for
video broadcast of a conference to switch
between cameras when different microphones are
spoken into.
Naming Each input and output channel, input
and output fader group, PL device and patch
memory can be named for identification in the