AirLive BU-2015 User Manual

Page 27

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6. Configuration

AirLive BU-2015 User’s Manual 22


RTP Data Port:
Input RTP data port number here.

When you finish with above settings, click ‘Apply’ button to save changes.

2. Advanced
You can setup advanced network settings in this page. This page is intended for

advanced settings only, and this IP camera will work fine even you don’t make any
changes to this page.


Enable video multicast:
Multicast Group Address: Input multicast group address here, must be an address
between to
Multicast video port: Input port number for video multicast here.
Multicast RCTP video port: Input port number for RCTP video here.
Multicast audio port: Input port number for audio here.
Multicast RCTP audio port: Input port number for RCTP audio here.
Multicast TTL: Input TTL value for multicast here.


If you’re using Mac OS and you have Bonjour installed, you can use it to discover this
IP camera.


Enable QoS to improve the data transfer priority of this IP camera (Your local area
network must support QoS).
You can select Video / Audio’s QoS DSCP value (0 to 63), or both video and audio.


Enable DDNS support if your ISP assigns dynamic IP address to you. You must
register a dynamic IP service first. Currently this IP camera supports Dyndns and
TZO dynamic IP service.
Provider: Select dynamic IP service provider.
Host Name: Input the host name you obtained from dynamic IP service provider.
User name: Input user name used to login dynamic IP service provider.
Password: Input the password used to login dynamic IP service provider.


It’s a unique number of each device for identification and this ID is used for DIPS. This
function now is reserved for future use.