JLG 40H Service Manual User Manual

Page 42

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– JLG Lift –


Carburetor and Governor Adjustment.


With the aid of an assistant, start the engine at the
platform console and allow it to come up to operat-
ing temperature with air cleaner installed. Adjust car-
buretor idle screw until engine idles at 1000 RPM.
Shut down engine.

NOTE: Steps 2 and 3 are preliminary settings.


On controller (in ground control box) turn ‘high
engine’ (P1) adjusting screw 25-30 turns CCW, then
10 turns CW.


On controller (in ground control box) turn ‘gain’ (P2)
adjusting screw CCW to the stop, then CW until
screw slot is vertical (approximately 1/4 turn).


On controller (in ground control box) turn ‘droop’
(P3) adjusting screw CCW to the stop, then CW until
screw slot is vertical (approximately 1/4 turn). No fur-
ther adjustment should be necessary to ‘droop’


With the aid of an assistant at platform console start
the engine and allow to come up to operating tem-
perature. Then have assistant depress footswitch
and place engine speed switch to HIGH ENGINE.


If engine surging occurs at this point, turn ‘gain’ (P2)
adjusting screw CCW until surging ceases. Turn
‘high engine’ (P1) adjusting screw until engine runs
at 2400 RPM. Turning the screw CW increases RPM.
Turning the screw CCW decreases RPM.


While your assistant continues to depress the foot-
switch, have him place engine speed switch to LOW
ENGINE. Turn ‘low (mid) engine’ adjusting screw
until engine runs at 1800 RPM. Turning the screw
CW increases RPM. Turning the screw CCW
decreases RPM. Shut down engine. Seal all trim
pots when finished with finger nail polish.

NOTE: If engine surges under no load, on HIGH ENGINE

and you cannot get enough response from adjusting
‘gain’ (P2), try adjusting surge screw on actuator.
Loosen surge screw locknut. Disconnect throttle link-
age. Turn surge screw CW until linkage arm moves.
Manually stroke the linkage fully and allow to return
slowly until it stops. Try to move linkage towards
return position. If linkage moves, turn surge screw
CCW 1/2 turn. Again stroke linkage and allow to
return slowly until it stops. Try to move linkage
towards return position. If linkage moves, turn surge
screw CCW 1/2 turn. Repeat this procedure until
linkage does not move after stroking. Do not turn any
more. This will set buffer spring tension properly.
Reconnect throttle linkage.


With engine speed switch set to LOW ENGINE,
when footswitch is depressed engine should imme-

diately respond, if response time lags, turn ‘gain’
(P2) adjusting screw CW to improve response time.
Turn adjusting screw in small increments only until
response time is correct. Turning adjusting screw
too far CW can cause surging. (See 6 above)




These instructions presume no electrical test equipment
other than a multimeter for making the electrical measure-
ments called for on the following pages. If no suitable
meter is available, an inexpensive but adequate meter,
part number 22-188 is available from any local Radio
Shack store.

Many "governor problems" are due to installation prob-
lems, particularly in first time applications. Careful atten-
tion to the directions provided will result in a successful
installation made in the least amount of time.

Quick-start Installations.

If you are experienced in installing and adjusting Electric
Governor, follow these steps. Otherwise refer to the more
detailed instructions starting with "Mounting-Actuator".


Mount Actuator rigidly to engine location which will
permit a short, straight linkage to the carburetor or
fuel valve. Avoid very hot areas.


Mount controller in a dry, fairly cool location. Acces-
sibility for adjusting is required


Wire per appropriate included schematic, using #16


Set up fuel linkage. This is critical, so review the sec-
tion titled "LINKAGE".


Hold linkage for safety, and start the engine.


Adjust engine speed to desired valve using High
Engine pot. (See diagram on page 43 E-331 Elec-
tronics - Adjustment Locations.)


The Actuator may be mounted in any attitude - there is no
preferred orientation

With no power applied, the actuator is spring loaded to
the minimum fuel position. The Actuator output shaft
rotates toward the maximum fuel position against this
spring through electrical power from the controller. This
rotation is CW (clockwise) on one side of the Actuator, and
CCW (counterclockwise) on the other. If necessary,
reverse the Actuator on its mounting plate so that the
desired direction of rotation is on the desired side to
match the fuel system direction of travel.