X lines (see figure 2 – Snorkel MX19-sn14000-19999 User Manual
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Figure 2: Emergency Lowering Valve Knob
15. Open the Emergency Lowering Valve
(Figure 2) by pulling the knob out to
check for proper operation. When the
platform is lowered, release the knob.
16. Turn the Chassis Key Switch to DECK.
17. Check that route is clear of obstacles
(persons, obstructions, holes, and drop-
offs, bumps and debris), is level, and is
capable of supporting the wheel loads.
18. Mount the platform and properly close
the entrance.
Figure 3: Platform Controls
19. Turn the Drive/Lift Switch to DRIVE.
While engaging the Interlock Switch,
move the Control Handle to FOR-
WARD, then REVERSE, to check for
speed control.
20. Push the Steering Switch RIGHT, then
LEFT, to check for steering control.
21. Turn the Drive/Lift Switch to LIFT.
Grasp the Control Handle, engaging
the Interlock Switch, and push it for-
ward to check platform lift controls.
Raise the platform to full elevation.
22. Pull back on the Control Handle. The
platform should descend and the audi-
ble lowering alarm should sound.
23. Push the Platform Emergency Stop
Switch to check for proper operation.
All machine functions should be dis-
abled. Pull out the Platform Emer-
gency Stop Switch to resume.
Valve Knob
Fluid Tank
Platform Emergency
Stop Switch
Control Handle
with Interlock