Proper use – Lukas HP Cylinders User Manual
Page 8
3. Proper use
LUKAS-HP cylinders are especially designed for re-railing technology. In the event of de-
railed rail vehicles, they are used to lift the vehicles so that they can be re-railed, e.g. with an
additional transfer unit. Furthermore, they can be used to lift a rail vehicle in order to push a
towing device underneath it, for example.
HP cylinders in telescopic design offer long hoisting paths with a low retracted overall
The accessories necessary for the particular application, such as base plate, multistage sets
etc., must be used during each deployment.
Watch out vigilantly for any leaks in order to avoid threats to the environment.
Recommended accessories for HP cylinders:
- Base plate (Item 1)
- Multistage set (Item 2)