CompuSTAR RF-2W1B-SP (Remote 2W1BR-SP) User Manual
Quick start card 2 way 1 button remotes

Firstech, LLC. | 1
8102REUCL001200 // FT-1B2W Guide REV1
Tap this button for 1 second to lock your doors and/or arm your vehicle.
Upon confirmation, the Lock LED will flash and remote will chirp once.
Tap this button twice within 1 second to unlock your doors and/or disarm your
vehicle. Upon confirmation, the Unlock LED will flash and remote will chirp twice.
Hold this button for 3 seconds to start your vehicle. Your vehicle’s parking
lights will flash once and/or siren will chirp once for confirmation. Upon
confirmation, the Start LED will flash and remote chirp once. It will then chirp
three times to confirm your vehicle has started. Repeat and your vehicle will
shut off.
Valet Mode: If your remote start is not working, you may be in Valet Mode. Your parking
lights will also not flash. Your doors will still lock and unlock. To exit Valet Mode,turn the
vehicle’s ignition On and then tap this button 5 times, waiting a second between each
tap. Your vehicle will flash the parking lights twice and exit Valet Mode. You can also
exit Valet Mode by turning the ignition On and then tapping the foot brake 10 times or
reprogramming your remote(s).
To reprogram your remote first cycle
the key in the ignition 5 times within
7 seconds. Parking lights will flash.
After that tap the Lock button on your
remote. Repeat for any additional
remotes. If you receive two parking
light flashes, your system has exited
remote programming mode and you
must retry.
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2013/8/27 19:04:18