Exciter oil change procedure, Lower hydraulic seal replacement – MBW GPR160 User Manual

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12. Remove the four hex head capscrews (#28), washers

(#30) and lock nut (#29) securing the rollcage to the
engine deck and remove the rollcage.

Refer to Diesel Engine Assembly, page 30.

13. Remove the three 6mm bolts (#35) securing the

ignition box to the mount (#13).

14. Remove four flange head screws (#27) securing

cover (#19) to battery box (#18) and remove cover.

15. Disconnect the negative “black” battery cable (#9)

from the batter (#22).

16. Disconnect the positive “red” battery cable (#10) from

the battery (#22).

17. Loosen hex lock nuts (#25) and remove battery (#22)

from battery box (#18).

18. Remove negative cable (#9) from engine mounting

bolt (#29).

19. Remove positive battery cable (#10) from engine


20. Remove the four hex head screws (#34) and lock

washers (#37) securing the battery box (#18) to
shockmounts (#15), remove battery box and cables.
Then remove four hex head flange screws (#28) and
mounting brackets (#20).

21. Remove the four hex head capscrews (#29) securing

the engine to the engine deck and remove the engine
(#14) & engine shims If required.

Exciter Oil Change Procedure

Refer to Figure 1


If possible run unit for approximately 5 minutes to
warm oil before draining.


Clean all dirt and debris from baseplate before
disassembly to prevent contamination of exciter oil.

Refer to Baseplate Assembly, page 22.


Remove the two socket head capscrews (#29) and
bushings (#19) securing the baseplate extensions
(#18) to the baseplate (#15) from the recoil/oil drain
side of the baseplate. (See figure 1)


Tilt the plate toward a drain pan to aid in the removal
of all used oil and particles.


Remove the socket head pipe plug (#28) from the
baseplate and drain the oil. Examine the oil for
metal chips as a precaution to future troubles.


Tip the plate opposite the drain hole, and fill the
baseplate through the pipe plug opening with exciter
oil to level specified in the Fluid Levels section of this
manual. Use only MBW Ground Pounder Exciter Oil.


Reinstall the socket head pipe plug (#28) using
sealant (LOCTITE #565).


Reinstall the bushings (#19), using antisieze lubricant
(LOCTITE #767), baseplate extensions (#18) and
socket head cap screws (#29).

Lower Hydraulic Seal Replacement

Refer to Lower Shaft Assembly, page 24.

Note: The seals (#6), guide ring (#4), and gaskets (#17

and #18) should be replaced as a set. MBW
recommends purchasing rebuild kit #17368 for ease
of repairs (Seals are pre-assembled to the spool).


Position the handle in locked position and set the lock

Refer to Main Assembly, page 20. for side cover



Remove the six flange screws (21) securing the side
cover (#8) to the recoil/oil drain side of the baseplate.
Loosen hex nuts (#31) on the oil drain side only. Lift
the engine deck up to allow the side cover to be


Remove fill plug (page 28, #6 ) from the control head


Remove the hydraulic line (page 20 #16) from the 90
degree fitting (page 25, #13) on the hydraulic
housing. Be careful to use a drain pan to catch the
hydraulic oil.


Remove the four flange screws (#22) securing the
hydraulic housing (#16) and cylinder mount plate
(#20) to the input shaft cover (#12) and remove the
hydraulic housing.


Remove the shift spool (#15) from the shift shaft (#10)
by rotating the input shaft counter clockwise to push
the shift spool out of the baseplate. Holding shaft
(#10) secure while un-threading the shift spool (#15).
NOTE: This connection is left hand thread.


If you purchased the rebuild kit (MBW Part Number
go to step #12.


Remove the seal guide ring (#4) from the shift spool.


Remove the damaged or worn seals (#6) from the
shift spool (#15). Note the orientation of the
sealing lips of the seals to be replaced. Be careful

