Apple MacBook Air (Late 2008), (Mid 2009) User Manual

Page 47

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Chapter 3

Problem, Meet Solution


Before you install Mac OS X:


Back up your essential files.

Apple recommends that you back up the information on your hard disk before

restoring software. You can do this by connecting the MacBook Air SuperDrive and

burning important information to DVDs or CDs, or by attaching an external hard drive

to the USB port on your MacBook Air. Apple is not responsible for any lost data.


Make sure your power adapter is connected and plugged in.

To install Mac OS X using a partner computer:


Follow the procedure for using Remote Install Mac OS X beginning on page 45.


Click Continue in Remote Install Mac OS X.

Status messages appear on the other computer’s screen during installation.


Click Customize to select what to install, or click Install to perform a basic installation.


Follow the onscreen instructions, selecting your MacBook Air as the destination volume

for installation.

Note: To restore Mac OS X on your computer to the original factory settings, click

Options in the “Select a Destination” pane of the Installer, and then select “Erase and

Install.” This option erases your MacBook Air hard disk, so be sure you’ve backed up

important information. If you choose this option, you’ll need to use DVD or CD Sharing

and the Applications Install DVD to reinstall the bundled applications.


Click OK in Remote Install Mac OS X, and, when installation is done, click Quit to exit

Remote Install Mac OS X.