Apple iBook (Original) User Manual

Page 17

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With iMovie 2, you can add music, voice-overs, titles, transitions, and more.

Editing buttons
Click these to open panels
for adjusting and selecting
sounds, video effects,
titles (text), and scene
transitions. Click the Clips
button to see the shelf.

iMovie monitor

Preview your movie or

view video directly

from a connected

DV camera.

To make clips part of your
movie after you import
them, move them from the
shelf to the clip viewer.


Click the clip viewer

(eye tab) to edit and place

clips. Click the timeline

viewer (clock tab) to

edit sound.

Mode switch

Use this to switch between

importing from a DV

camera and editing.

Scrubber bar
Use this to select sections of video.

Playback controls

Use these to play the movie

in the iMovie monitor. Click the

Play Full Screen button to

use the entire screen.