Apple Newton Backup Utility (for Windows) User Manual
Page 43

P, Q
backing up all 13–14
backing up on Newton PDA 8
backing up selected 14–15
installing from Newton PDA 26
installing on Newton PDA 21–23
installing on storage card 23
problems with 30
restoring 18–20
connecting Newton PDA to 2–3
establishing a connection
on Newton PDA 7–8
installation requirements 2
preparing for communication 5–6
selecting connection type 5–6
storing backups 8–9
using high–speed communications 7
using more than one 20
PDA (personal digital assistant).
See Newton PDA
ports 2–3
configuration, PC 5–6
preferences, changing connection 26–27
PREVIOUS directory 12
problems operating 29–31
program files 4–5
backing up 13–15
installing 21–23
restoring 18–20
RAM (random access memory) 2, 30
README file 3, 29
Restart button (Newton PDA) 20
restarting Windows 35
Restore button (Newton Backup Utility
window) 7, 18
restoring information and packages
from backup file 18–20
from Newton PDA 26
serial cable
attaching 3
required 2
serial ports
available 2–3
selecting 5–6
Setup 1 disk 4
SETUP.EXE installation program 3–4
slips, Connection 6, 26–27
storage card
backing up 8, 12, 15–16
installing package on 23
system requirements 2
system updates, installing 21–23
386 Enhanced window 34
Toolkit, restoring 19
troubleshooting 29–31
25–pin serial port 2–3
exiting 9
file 4–5
installing 3–4
opening 5
uses 1
using from Newton PDA 25–27
VGA display 2
virtual memory, turning on 34–35
W, X, Y, Z
Windows 3.1, running Newton Backup
Utility in 33–35
Backup 14–16
Newton Backup Utility 5
386 Enhanced 34
versions 2
Virtual Memory 35