Apple Newton Backup Utility (for Windows) User Manual

Page 35

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A communication error occurs when I try to transfer information between my computer and the

Newton PDA.

m Some computers can’t support high-speed communication with the Newton PDA.

Set both the Newton Backup Utility on your computer and your Newton PDA to
communicate at 9600 bps.

On your computer, choose Settings from the Newton menu, then click the
Communications tab. Choose 9600 bps for the port speed and then click OK.

On your Newton PDA, open the Extras drawer and tap Connections. In the slip
that appears, tap Connect Via. Select the “Serial 9600-Windows” connection type.

The “Serial 9600-Windows” connection type doesn’t appear on my Newton PDA.

m You may have removed the system update that contains this connection type. This

system update is included on your Newton Backup Utility disks. Connect your
Newton PDA to your computer using a serial connection type and reinstall the
system update (96SERIAL.PKG).

