J.P. Instruments EDM 930 Primary Flight Manual Supplement User Manual
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EDM-930 Airplane Flight Manual
PO BOX 7033 Supplement No. 930-0001 Rev. C
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Primary alarm limits for each specific aircraft model are set by JPI and are not programmable by the pilot. These include some or all of
the following: CHT, CDT, EGT, O-T, O-P, F-P, QTY-LF, QTY-RT, MAP, RPM, FF, IAT, CARB, and TIT. The primary functions for your
installation are shown on the Primary label on the back of the instrument and are identical to those specified in the FAA Approved
Airplane Flight Manual/Pilot’s Operating Handbook.
For caution alarms, primary digits and acronyms are flashed in amber at the original manufacturer’s published caution points or, if
none is specified, at a specific temperature below the programmed limit. For example, O-T and CDT alarms will flash 20°F before the
actual factory limit. CHT will flash 40°F below, and TIT 50°F below the programmed limits. Fuel and oil pressure caution alarms will
only flash if there is a published caution range
When a caution range is reached, the pilot can momentarily depress the STEP button to extinguish the particular flashing alarm
acronyms. If another parameter has also reached its limit, that label will then begin to flash. The pilot should continue to monitor the
affected functions as he would if a conventional analog display had reached a limit. The bar graph functions of CHT, EGT, and TIT
remain displayed at all times.
Automatic dimming is provided to dim both the panel display and the remote alarm display. Dimming can also be accomplished
manually. Tapping the far right hand button (labeled Brightness) decreases brightness. Continuously holding this button increases
brightness. Manual dimming overrides the automatic dimming feature. When switching electrical power off and on, the system defaults
to automatic dimming.
a. The EDM-930 may replace any existing RPM, MAP, EGT, CHT, CDT, TIT, O-T. O-P, F-P, FF, and Fuel Quantity
indicators required by the aircraft type design or operating limits.
b. The EDM-930 cannot be used as primary if the RAD is not working.
A. Loss of individual display element:
1. Continue normal engine operation by referring to the remaining parameters displayed.
B. Loss of all displays (Electrical Failure):
1. Avoid high engine power settings and rapid power changes;
2. Enrichen Mixture to maintain smooth engine operation;
Arrange to terminate the flight safely and as soon as practicable.
Before each flight, verify that the RAD is working. Whenever main electrical power is turned on the EDM-930
performs a self-test procedure which identifies by the message center any inoperative parameters. During engine
start, there may be a power interruption to the EDM-930 while the starter is engaged.
After establishing desired cruise-power depress the LF button to activate the Lean Find Mode. As the mixture is
leaned, one cylinder’s column will begin blinking; indicating the EGT for that cylinder has peaked. Continue with the
leaning procedure, enriching as recommended by the aircraft manufacturer while monitoring the primary engine
instruments. Once the leaning procedure has been completed, depress the STEP button briefly to exit the Lean Find
Mode and enter the Monitor Mode.
Comply with manufacturer's Airplane Flight Manual leaning procedure.
Do not exceed applicable engine or aircraft limitations.
Date DEC 10 2004