BNC 1621M User Manual

Page 4

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Dosimeters may be used independently or as a part of a system for
everyday, effi cient and emergency dosimetric control of personnel,
production facilities and units where there is a potential or real risk
of exposure to external X-ray and gamma radiation. Customs and
border offi cers, personnel of nuclear facilities; radiological and
isotope laboratories; offi cers of the emergency services; civil defense,
fi re brigades, police, as well as in other spheres where measurement
of personal dose equivalent and personal dose equivalent rate will be
notifi ed by an alarm when the preset dose and dose rate levels are
exceeded. Information about the dose accumulation and dose rate
over time, as well as association of the measured parameters with
an individual makes systematization and complex analysis of the
accumulated dosimetric information feasible.

Operating Conditions:

• Ambient air temperature from minus 40 up to plus 60



• Relative humidity up to 98% at the temperature 35



• Pressure from 84 up to 106.7 kPa.