Fast & Fluid AT750 User Manual
Page 11
© Fast & Fluid Management, EuroAT
Step 3 - Fill the nozzle closure.
Use the appropriate
com- mand from the
dispenser software to open
the nozzle closure. Remove
the cup holder.
Fill the cup with water or
cleaning fluid until the pad is
soaked. Use an normal cotton
disc pad.
Replace the cup holder in its
original position.
Use only cleaning fluids recommended by your paint supplier.
Wrong materials can result in nozzle blockage and reduced accuracy.
Each line in the machine (pumps and tubing) is tested with water. If your
application is not compatble with water please rinse intensely with an
appropriate fluid.
Step 4 - Fill the canisters with colourant
Check your software manual
for filling sequence.
Run software purge program
until the air is removed from