Service instructions, Maintenance instructions, General – L.B. White I-17 Infraconic Spark Ignition User Manual

Page 14

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Service Instructions

1. Disconnect the gas supply to heater before

attempting to service unless it is necessary to have it

connected for your service procedure. Use special

care to avoid being burned by hot surfaces or make

sure the heater is cool to touch before servicing.

2. Do not attempt to repair any part that comes in

contact with the gas such as the hose and

combustion cones, etc. Replace them.

3. Do not attempt to disassemble or repair any of the

following parts: valves of any kind, regulators,

thermostats, electronic devices, switches, safety

devices, hose assemblies, etc. Replace them.

4. After any repairs are made, always restart the heater

to make sure it operates properly. Refer to “Start Up

Instructions” within this Owner’s Manual.

5. For help in servicing this heater see the Trouble-

shooting Guide within this Owner’s Manual or call the

manufacturer. Some of the manufacturers of

components parts will provide additional information

on their products. Consult these materials if


NOTE: The sshroud aand ccombustion ccones ttypically ddo nnot

require rremoval ffrom tthe hheater aassembly. O


basic ccomponents oof tthe hheater aare eeasily sserviced

by ffollowing tthese pprocedures.



1. Have your gas supplier check all gas piping annually

for leaks or restrictions in gas lines. Also, at this time

have your gas supplier clean out the sediment trap on

the zone control panel of any debris that may have


2. The aappliance aarea sshall bbe kkept cclear aand ffree ffrom

combustible m

materials, ggasoline, aand oother

flammable vvapors aand lliquids.

3. Regulators can wear out and function improperly.

Have your gas supplier check the date codes on all

regulators installed and check delivery pressures to

the appliance to make sure that the regulator is

suitable for continued use.

4. Regulators must be periodically inspected to make

sure the regulator vents are not blocked. Debris,

insects, insect nests, snow, or ice on a regulator can

block vents and cause excess pressure at the


5. For safety as well as for optimum performance at the

heater, it is necessary to keep the inside and the

outside of the heater free of dust, dirt or any

combustible material. If any operational component

shows signs of rust or corrosion, replace the

component immediately.

6. If any warning or instruction labels, dataplates, etc.

become lost or hard to read, replace them

immediately. Do not operate the heater until you

have all instructions and can read and understand


7. Check overall condition of heater for cracked or

damaged components, loose screws or bolts, etc.

Replace any suspect components.

8. Check all hose and tubing assemblies for cracks,

abrasions or ruptures. Replace any hoses that are



If it becomes apparent that a dark spot has formed part way

up on the inner combustion cone or a build up of debris is

occurring in the bottom of the inner cone, it will be

necessary to clean out the combustion cone assembly.

Refer to “Cleaning Instructions”.

Maintenance Instructions