Internet radio playback, Add to favorite list, Remove from favorite list – Philips 40PFL4907-F7 User Manual

Page 21: Add stations on the vtuner website

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Internet radio playback

After you set up the network connection, follow the procedure below

to listen to Internet radio.

Guide to the playback screen

e.g.) Location







FM 76.2 FM
Jazz jAzz jaZz jazZ
Schonan Beach FM 78.9



: Jazz

Location : Japan
Language : Japanese


Current hierarchy (total number of items)


Current station information

(Information will be changed when INFO is pressed)


COLOR buttons (red / green / yellow / blue) guide


Station list


Playback status


Station icon


Press NET TV on the remote control and then use ▲▼◄► to

select vTuner Radio.
• Category list will appear.


In the category list, use ▲▼ to select the desired category, then

press OK.
• Station / folder list of selected category will appear.

• For Location and Genre, use ▲▼ to select the desired location

or genre after selecting the category, then press OK.

Recently Played

List of stations which are recently played


List of your favorite radio stations

My Added Stations

List of stations which are added on vTuner

website (This category will appear only

after you add stations on vTuner website. )


List of stations categorized by location


List of stations categorized by genre

New Stations

List of the latest stations which are recently

added automatically.

Most Popular Stations

List of the most frequently accessed

stations by the all listeners.


In the station / folder list, use ▲▼ to select the desired station, then

press OK.
• After loading, playback of the selected station will start.

• If you select a folder, use ▲▼ to select the desired station in the

next hierarchy, then press OK.

• To stop playback, press C.

• To go back to the previous or next hierarchy, press ◄►.


• This unit cannot play back stations with audio format other than MP3 and WMA.

• Internet radio service may not be fully available with narrowband Internet connection.

(e.g. 56k modem) When listening to Internet radio, use broadband Internet connection.

(For details, contact your Internet service provider.)

• Depending on the bit rate of a station or the network environment, it may take a while

to complete loading the station or playback may not be available.

• The streaming audio may be interrupted during playback, when the vTuner server is busy.

• Some stations cannot be displayed in the list, depending on the network environment.

• If the loading time of a station exceeds 3 minutes, the loading will be canceled.

• The order of station / folder in the list depends on the information from vTuner server

and may change without notice.

Add to favorite list

You can add your favorite stations to Favorites in the category list. To

add your favorite stations, follow the procedure below.


Follow steps 1 to 3 in Internet radio playback.

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Use ▲▼ to select the station you want to add to Favorites, then

press COLOR button (yellow).
• The selected station is added to Favorites folder.

• Confirmation message will appear.

• If you select a folder, use ▲▼ to select the desired station in the

next hierarchy, then press COLOR button



Press OK.


• You can also add your favorite stations to Favorites on your PC. To add your favorite

stations on your PC, visit and create a vTuner account

with the access code, which you can check from the category list. Internet radio


p. 21

• You can change folder names or order of lists in your vTuner page on the Internet.

• My_Fa

vorite folder will appear after you add a station to Favorites on this unit. (Your

favorite station will also be added to My_Favorite folder.)

Remove from favorite list


Follow step 1 in Internet radio playback.

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Use ▲▼ to select Favorites, then press OK.


Use ▲▼ to select the station you want to remove from Favorites,

then press COLOR button (yellow).
• Confirmation message will appear.


Use ◄► to select Yes, then press OK.
• The selected station is removed from Favorites folder.

Add stations on the vTuner website

You can add stations which are not in the vTuner station list.


Follow step 1 in Internet radio playback.

p. 21


Use ▲▼ to select Get access code, then press OK.
• The latest vTuner website address and access code for this unit

will be displayed. Please take a note of the access code. (This

access code will be required when creating a vTuner account.)


On your PC, visit the website and create your vTuner account.
• Follow the instructions given on the PC screen.


Add stations by following the instructions given on the PC screen.
• The stations will be added to My Added Stations.