TC Electronic VSS3 TDM User Manual

Page 6

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Finding the right Early Type & Size for your track :
• Select Early Type and Early Size on the Early page.
• Turn the Rev Level to -100dB.
• Turn the EarlyLevel to 0dB.
• Select an appropriate size. (Note that some sizes of the different types may overlap,

e.g. Church Small is bigger than Conc Hall medium etc.)

Switch between the different types until it matches the signal and the illusion that
you wish to create.

Generally it is advisable to use small room sizes for drums and perc; medium sizes for
piano, guitar & horns and large sizes for vocals & strings. Large Church and Venue
simulate very big rooms and can therefore be used to create an "echo like" effect if
turned up loud. Many of the patterns can be used as a "Doubling" effect if the Reverb
tail is not added.

Using the Hi Color and Lo Cut parameter on the Early Reflection-page
Once you have selected the desired type and size you can use the Hi Color and the Lo
Cut controls to filter the Early Reflections. The Hi Color parameter is an advanced Hi
Cut function. Please note that in most real rooms the reflections are generally much
softer than the direct signal.

Often it can be advisable to use the Hi Color parameter in the range between -4 to -9
to make the Early Reflections blend properly with the direct signal rather than com-
peting with it. The Lo Cut filter is very useful if you want to reduce the Early
Reflections in the area between 125-400Hz. Try this if the Early Reflections seem to
make the sound too full.

We hope that you will enjoy working with the VSS3 !