Belkin Iplay Powerline HD Networking Adapter F5D4078 User Manual
Page 15

Play Powerline HD Networking Adapter
table of contents
Belkin reserves the right to review the damaged Belkin product . All
costs of shipping the Belkin product to Belkin for inspection shall be
borne solely by the purchaser . if Belkin determines, in its sole discretion,
that it is impractical to ship the damaged equipment to Belkin, Belkin
may designate, in its sole discretion, an equipment repair facility to
inspect and estimate the cost to repair such equipment . the cost, if any,
of shipping the equipment to and from such repair facility and of such
estimate shall be borne solely by the purchaser . Damaged equipment
must remain available for inspection until the claim is finalized .
whenever claims are settled, Belkin reserves the right to be subrogated
under any existing insurance policies the purchaser may have .
How state law relates to the warranty.
tHiS wArrAntY ContAinS tHe Sole wArrAntY oF Belkin .
tHere Are no otHer wArrAntieS, eXPreSSeD or, eXCePt AS
reQUireD BY lAw, iMPlieD, inClUDing tHe iMPlieD wArrAntY
or ConDition oF QUAlitY, MerCHAntABilitY or FitneSS For A
PArtiCUlAr PUrPoSe, AnD SUCH iMPlieD wArrAntieS, iF AnY,
Are liMiteD in DUrAtion to tHe terM oF tHiS wArrAntY .
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you .
in no eVent SHAll Belkin Be liABle For inCiDentAl, SPeCiAl,
DireCt, inDireCt, ConSeQUentiAl or MUltiPle DAMAgeS SUCH
AS, BUt not liMiteD to, loSt BUSineSS or ProFitS AriSing
oUt oF tHe SAle or USe oF AnY Belkin ProDUCt, eVen iF
ADViSeD oF tHe PoSSiBilitY oF SUCH DAMAgeS .
this warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have
other rights, which may vary from state to state . Some states do not
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential, or other
damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you .